Oh hey, antitankie coming out as fascist, this surely never happened before! XD
how come there’s so much overlap in the anti-communist and pro-fascism movements?? 🤔
Might be because fascism is direct response to communism, pure dialectics.No it’s just a coincidence, in fact, communism and fascism are the same and the liberalism is the only correct option!Yeah, some people call me an ultra for no reason. I agree with them. I’m an Ultra Centrist
Crikey, wouldja lookit that, a whole flock of Amerikan Peckerwoods (Mastigia album americanus) (not to be confused with Mastigia album britannica) in their natural habitat, and in their natural routine!
Bits aside, I can’t believe people actually wanted to federate with filth like that.
I’m not American. You’d know this because I type neighbour with a U in the screenshot, while Americans do not.
yeeeeeeeeeeeeah ion’t believe that a second, and frankly, your input wasn’t desired in the first place. I don’t hold dialogues with the opps-- I just condemn them.
You want me to prove my nationality to you?
No, I want you to fuck off.
Yes. Post your passport in full
I’m American and you can’t stop me from typing neighbour with a U in this comment
I’m surprised I haven’t seen some
connect xinjiang to people shooting down the growth rates charts on Gaza. It was used heavily by leftists as a point to cut through the Xinjiang bullshit.
What they don’t seem to realise is that it worked for leftists there because forced sterilisation for the cause of an ethnic Han supremacist takeover was part of the myth, not just murdering 2 million people in non-existent industrial deathcamps that also didn’t show up in the numbers.
Rich coming from peoples who accuse US of genocide denial for not believing unsourced/fabricated narratives by the CIA and the literal NAZIs.
It’s not genocide because population is going up
is textbook Holocaust denial. Like “exhibits at Auschwitz” textbook.
the best bit is:
because they already reject a huge body of evidence that proves otherwise, they’ve stumbled into literally deconstructing their own Uighur genocide narrative with their own dogshit definitions
they’ve already forgotten that ever happened
until the next time they open a thread about China, at which point they’ll forget about Israel and Palestine
the liberal brainpan can only conceptualise one completely individual idea at a time
- The Uyghur’s aren’t being genocided because number go up.
i’ve seen people claim that about the uighurs. (iirc the real thing is that ethnic minorities weren’t held to the one child policy.)
I think it’s a weak argument with the Uighur genocide to point to increasing population, but to be fair the full argument is that the population is increasing AND there’s no refugee crisis AND there’s literally no evidence of genocide at all that wasn’t just the made up ramblings of Adrian Zenz.
There’s more Uyghurs, and they’re living longer, and they’re more educated, and they have better housing conditions, and they make more money, all taken together makes it very hard to make out genocide.
Yeah if the government wanted to do a genocide why would they exclude the allegedly genocided minorities from the harsh population control laws. Like they’re literally making a law to decrease the population. You’d think that would be the perfect time to target it at minorities unfairly if you wanted to do genocide, but they didn’t.
they are intentionally targeting civilian infrastructure because they want to ethnically cleanse the region. they have said this again and again and again. The fucking “well what is a genocide, really?” when government officials are talking about how Palestinians aren’t human and need to be purged is such horseshit.
holy shit that very last line caught me off guard
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If it’s been this long, and nothing’s been done about that user, that community, or that community’s aggregated userbase, it can be reliably assumed the people who run the instance are in on the scam. sh.itsfulla.nazis.
I’m not denying the genocide Israel is performing towards Gaza.
I also apologise for not banning that user earlier. I publically warned them (see below) to cut down their content, but as you can see, they’ve edited their comments to double-down. No one reported the edits, and I didn’t notice, so I couldn’t remove them in time. It is worth mentioning that their views were all downvoted across the entire community and is not appropriate for mog.
Explicit Language
Yes, you’re saying it’s real and that is okay for Israel to do it, we can read your own words.
No–the death of innocents is never okay. Where did I say it’s okay?
I specifically mentioned that it does not justify Israel’s violence and pointed out that they were killing innocents well before the creation of Hamas and other terrorist groups from that area.
Likewise you can also view my SJW account where I point out that Israel is indeed performing genocide onto Gaza and that Israel cannot be trusted
Likewise you can also view my SJW account where I point out that Israel is indeed performing genocide onto Gaza and that Israel cannot be trusted
So… I took you up on this and, well:
I don’t know if this is a regionalism where “point out Israel cannot be trusted” means “defend Israel killing medical personnel and bombing hospitals” or something.
There’s some fair clause that it is a genocide, though if it is, it goes both ways. That and most of the conditions that Palestine and Gaza put themselves in are from their own mistakes and faults in the past,
genocide, though if it is, goes both ways.
You cast doubt on it being a genocide and claim that it’s the citizens of Palestine’s fault for being genocided in the screenshot you’re using to defend yourself.
Attacking their neighbouring countries and Europe.
When has any Palestinian group attacked Europe?
I don’t think saying some fair clause is doubt that it is indeed genocide. I’ve made multiple comments already claiming that it is indeed a genocide. I mean, come on, separating people by their creed? That’s genocide.
I don’t blame the citizens either, they need safety and prosperity, and it is never their fault for what violent men do. However, terrorists have made peace treaties, especially that of the Oslo Accords, rather difficult for both sides to maintain peace. Terrorist attacks, Israel responds with more violence, terrorists respond with even more violence, and so on and so forth. It’s awful.
When has any Palestinian group attacked Europe?
Roald Dahl famously said:
“There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity, maybe it’s a kind of lack of generosity towards non-Jews. I mean, there’s always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere.”
You would agree that this is an antisemitic statement, yes? That it puts blame on Jews for their own genocide?
How is this statement:
That and most of the conditions that Palestine and Gaza put themselves in are from their own mistakes and faults in the past
Not of a similar character?
next time, don’t come back you bastard
welcome to the revolution, comrade goat
Sounds like we need organized groups of hexbear posters combing through federated threads to find and report antisemitic zionism in the lemmyverse.
Thanks goat.
Please do! I want you to hold my community to the strictest, most fair standards you put upon yourselves.
Perhaps that way we can find some common ground eventually? I’m not opposed to the idea. Even been talking to a few different members of this community already (in private, of course).
excited to squad up in the merkava armored posting vehicle and watch tiktoks with the boys before its time to unload the 50 into the al-shit.just hospital.
Tell us who those members are so we can ban their asses for talking to you
Please do! I want you to hold my community to the strictest, most fair standards you put upon yourselves.
Stop playing games. You think you’re the first person to believe they’re clever and can play games with us here?
Absolutely nobody believes the community that chooses SJW as its acronym specifically to attract an edgelord conservative crowd is acting in good faith, and never will.
You honestly have to think we’re completely fucking stupid.
“It’s a genocide, but it’s the Palestinians’ fault” is actually a worse take than denying genocide entirely. Fuck yourself. Mods, ban this piece of shit. Hope you die painfully.
Enjoy your racist shithole of a community
Wow you got a new racist image for your anti communist sub. Progress!
“The US has done more genocide and gotten away with it so it is fine”
is a hell of a take
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Why is it always fucking goat what the fuck is wrong with them