Stemming from late night college days my old standby used to be the TRON Legacy soundtrack, but recently stumbled onto this great Donkey Kong Country 2 Arrangement
I don’t have any particular coding music, but my music consumption is more on a yearly cycle so depends where we are within that cycle.
For example in Feb-May I’m basically listening to the current year’s Eurovision playlist on repeat. Then from May-Jun I’ll move to my general Eurovision Bangers playlist as a way to cope and slowly come down from the high of the contest.
But if I’m feeling particularly aggro or in need of extra motivation I’ll just tell Spotify to play me a metal mix and go from there 😅
I don’t know if I could focus on work when I am jamming out to a song about drinking Pina Colada’s with my friends :D
I didn’t claim to be getting much done!
I just need quiet when working.
My two most frequent listens are a combined playlist of the SimCity 3 and SimCity 4 soundtracks, and The Yes Album. If it’s not those, it’s almost certainly progressive rock of some kind. Nothing else comes close for productivity music for me.
Though really, these days I find myself working with a twitch stream in the background more often than with a playlist on.
Just throwing out another one since I remembered it. When I really have to crunch mode, I usually stick on the Vicious Delicious album from Infected Mushroom and just block out the world while its going.
I like some chill electronic music like Ben Böhmer or Jan Blomqvist.
The Social Network Original soundtrack is another good I like to listen to while working. TRON Legacy has always been one of my favorites as well!
Oh I’ll have to try out the Social Network soundtrack, thanks for the reccomendation!
Mostly Metal, but instrumental music without lyrics when I really have to focus.
Lyrics really mess with me working, although if its in a foreign language I find it a little bit less distracting. I had a friend that had a Pandora channel for instrumental movie scores that he would use when writing novels. But after a while he realized that upon re-reading his stuff he would know what was playing when he wrote certain parts lol. The epic battle scene music from LotR would change how he wrote compared to just flying over the shire.