Not sure if this is the right comm, but I’m having a harold-manic moment and can’t find today’s megathread to vent in.

Just got back from dinner with my conservative mom and ho boy is my throat burning from all the spicy takes. It starts off with normal stuff from my mom, basically stuff like older men are too much of a chore to date so she’s not putting herself out there anymore, when is your partner moving in with you, ect. Then she shit talks Trump a little since she knows I’m not exactly a fan and says “I don’t know exactly what political beliefs you hold, but-” and I immediately respond “Oh, I’m a leftist.” before going easy on her and clarifying “I’m a socialist. You know, like the DSA.”

For some reason she immediately assumed I meant fucking nazi (like a national socialist???) and awkwardly paused before stating that she’s a very tolerant person and I had to say socialist, leftist, multiple times before she replied with “Oh, leftist, so like a liberal’s liberal ok ok.” I tried to clarify a little more and say leftists included people like communists, socialists, anarchists, and with her generation would have included the few hippies that actually believed in civil rights and were politically active even years later. (Not trying to shit on hippies here, she’s just the type that assumes all hippies did it for the casual sex and to get high.) I’m not sure if she was fucking with me or thinks I’m some sort of sucker that believes everything I read online, but it seemed to me like she was genuinely having a hard time picturing anything left of liberal. Mentioning Bernie did nothing even though he’s really a fucking war loving liberal as far as I’m concerned. I asked her if there were any beliefs she wanted me to clarify to help her get a better picture and after giving her a recent Israel/Palestine example she was like “No, nope, I’m good thanks.”

Anyways, after we got that out of the way she told me she left our old family church of over 25 years because they started allowing


female pastors avgn-horror

I can only hope that the next church she stumbles into accidentally ends up being far more progressive, but that seems unlikely as she still thinks gay married couples can’t also be Christian. But hey, at least she left the same church that does a fake abortion graveyard display on the front yard annually. Before we parted ways on the train she proudly told the story about how her HR rep won’t do tolerance related training at work because she doesn’t think her neoliberal coworkers are tolerant enough about her Christianity like she is with them… just existing and being in happy loving relationships I guess??? She really thought that was a dunk. Naturally she didn’t want to hear about how tolerating intolerance is an oxymoron.

TLDR; I’m really looking forward to moving up north in a couple years. agony-acid

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Eep. That sounds terrible. Talks with my brother go a very similar way. Easy to get over the next day but in the moment I just want to scream, and it takes me a few hours to stabilize myself after.

    Kinda curious how old your mom is.

    • PurrLure [she/her]@hexbear.netOP
      1 year ago

      She’s in her 60’s and about a year away from a stable retirement.

      I was more confused than mad because I genuinely wasn’t sure if she was messing with my autistic ass or not.

      Like she literally lived through most of the cold war, surely she at least vaguely knows what a socialist is from propaganda? When I asked her if she was alluding to horseshoe theory she said had no idea what I was talking about.

      • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Like she literally lived through most of the cold war, surely she at least vaguely knows what a socialist is from propaganda?

        Anti-socialist propaganda doesn’t actually describe what socialism is though, that’s kind of the point of it.

        • PurrLure [she/her]@hexbear.netOP
          1 year ago

          Sure, I guess I just assumed that anti communists ads back in the day would at least mention the word socialism.

          Funny enough, right after clarifying that I’m not a nazi piece of shit she started going on about how social security is too low and taxed way too high, pausing multiple times like she expected me to have hot takes on the matter. As if she thought socialism was primarily about social security. wut

          • dronebama [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            It’s fucking disgusting that social security matters more to old people than communism. Seriously where do these folks priority’s lie? Having money or having the right ideology? I’ll tell you what, if you’re first concern isn’t ideology then your hopeless.

            • PurrLure [she/her]@hexbear.netOP
              1 year ago

              blocky-wat Is this bait or something?

              I happened to agree with her that $40k pretax isn’t enough for anyone to live off of in the USA, much less seniors, which is why I didn’t really have a hot take for her.

              But as soon as I mentioned high medical costs it seemed like she wanted to change the subject again.

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    1 year ago

    stating that she’s a very tolerant person

    she left our old family church of over 25 years because they started allowing female pastors

    I see… My condolences. I’m so thankful I don’t speak to my parents about politics at all, because they’re about your mom’s age. My dad still has the views of a USian viewing anti-communist propaganda in the year 1965 or something

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Why in God’s name would you bother talking politics with your parents

    You will never get them to understand or change their minds, you are just rubbing a cheese grater on your arm and drenching it in salty lemon juice, why do you hate yourself so much?