A million buzzwords and nothing new. It’s a $700 privacy nightmare you strap to your chest that sends whatever you say to ChatGPT’s API, something you can do on your phone for free. I’m surprised it got any funding at all.
This has the kind of idea only rich people from silicone valley could ever come to with.
And who thought the idea of a GlassHole was bad? You have a big spy-eye on your shirt. Just wait till some company mandates all employees must wear this.
If you can gesture and it does something, the camera is always on watching for the gesture.
European Friend, What would GPDR say about this? If you walked into some store and all the store employees wore this, could you ask and expect that any footage showing you visited the store would be deleted?
Might also be kinda creepy if you went into a store where you had never been before and the nearest sales associate walked up and said “Welcome In WasPentalive”.