Dude’s an ultra
Bonus: https://nitter.net/uncle_authority/status/1721967810241335347#m
I guess the Deprogram guys are the Three Stooges now? But the joke doesn’t really work
Dude’s an ultra
Bonus: https://nitter.net/uncle_authority/status/1721967810241335347#m
I guess the Deprogram guys are the Three Stooges now? But the joke doesn’t really work
that’s not really true, all economics is political and mmt is dripping with reformism trying to solve the problems of capitalism in the sphere of distribution instead of production, it muddles class realities by suggesting that “we” could print money to pay for things that “we” want while nudging class rule and dollar imperialism behind the sofa. marxist spaces are brimming with well-read people whose eyes roll back in their head when someone’s naive enough to give mmt a sympathetic treatment, and roderick was channeling that annoyance
similarly he feels confident in taking shots here bc of the sort of ambient skepticism toward hakim’s religiosity that others have voiced a thousand times before
his problem is that he’s a professional twitter user who doesn’t know how to shut up and with only 140 characters he ends up shadowboxing with, like, context that’s totally foreign to anyone not already plugged in to the capital d discourse
Exactly, MMT is Keynesianism for the 21st century.
I like this comment on the blogpost:
I meant to add before that I first ran into mmt in my phase years ago of being fascinated by the market and listening to every hour of every bloomberg podcast for like 18 months. I remember that joe weisenthal and tracy alloway kept having mmt people on their podcast over and over and over to critique the fed and talk about mmt, and that really goes to show how comfortable that section of the bourgeoisie is with accommodating this whole idea. as long as you only address circulation, finance capital keeps benefiting in distribution, and nothing shakes its foundation in production. if you flip it on its head and start talking about changing relations of production you end up in a black plastic bag behind bloomberg’s mansion on long island
Yeah and the critiques amount to “austerity politics is stupid, causes recessions, is simply capital inflicting wounds on itself, the government should spend money and it would be better for everyone”, without thinking about why austerity makes sense to capital. Keynesianism rebranded for the 21st century