woman is the israel of the world
“Apartheid Barbies and Genocide Kens” is going to be the title to my next EP
Girls just wanna have
funan apartheid state.I think the rest of the world wants Israel to take on biard modern lessons of democracy and equality, at a bare minimum. But I suppose that’s too much of an ask for the perpetual vicimized bully that is fanatical fascist Israel.
They don’t even have a constiution because they fear allowing Arabs, non Zionists, equal rights and representation.
> The Declaration of Independence was adopted on the Fourth of July in 1776. We, as Americans, are all too familiar with the statement from the Declaration which states “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal”—yet, lines below refers to Native Americans, who we all know are the first inhabitants and stewards of this land, as “merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions”.
It is clear, that “all men are created equal” does not include the Native Americans who are clearly perceived as subhuman to the United States of America’s founding fathers. The roots of injustice in the United States of America is written for the entire world to read: Merciless. Indian. Savages
all the other countries are smurfs and israel is smurfette
all the other countries are roy bryant and israel is carolyn
I bet women love being compared to a genocidal ethnostate founded on stolen land.
Germania is a slay kween
Germany, Britain, France, and the US have all represented themselves as women at one point so maybe there is some link between personifying a country as a woman and being a murderous imperialist.
Ah yes, poison pilling feminism. That’s going to do wonders for the world.
Nevertheless she persisted
well those are certainly some words, and now ive seen them.
Women are the Israel of genders.
Go on
No, I sense I’ve made a mistake of some kind
any imperialist* state born after 1948 can’t be good… all they know is colonize, steal they land , genocide, be zionist , eat hot chip & lie
Modern China won its revolution in 1949.
Also Palau gained independence from the USA in 1962.
gonna be honest I didn’t put that much thought into this shitpost. maybe “imperialist state” instead of just state would make it work better