Yay for The Human Calculator Calendar. Boo for not crediting sources. A missed opportunity to replace Jesse’s name with, “Scott.”
Double boo for not explaining the extra day every year, not to mention leap year. (364 / 28 = 13.)
Final boo for conflating the real world ~29.5 day imprecise lunar month with the 28 day English common law lunar month.
“The simple idea of a 13-month perennial calendar has been around since at least the middle of the 18th century. Versions of the idea differ mainly on how the months are named, and the treatment of the extra day in leap year.”
I had no clue. Thanks for letting me know. :)
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But what if we decimalised time?
Didn’t the French try that after the revolution?
Yep, base 10, base 10 everywhere.
Chad ancestors splited 1 year of 10 months of 3 décades of 10 days of 10 hours of 100 minutes of 100 seconds and so on. With 5 or 6 “sans-culotides” to handle leap years.
Also each unit of a decade is related to a fixed name: for example, “primedi” (first day of decade) is the 1st, 11th and 21th days of any month, “duodi” 2nd, 12th and 22th, “tridi” 3rd, 13th, 23th and so on until décadi fot 10th,20th and 30th and last day of the décade.
Jesse would approve that
How is no one in here talking about the International Fixed Calendar? It was exactly this, and Kodak used it for 60 years. It does work. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fixed_Calendar
Huh, so this + Human Era dating is now my new favorite calender (there’s a sentence lol)
Kodak used to operate on this 13 month calendar. When I asked someone who used to work there, she was shocked that I knew about it and said that it was the best thing about working there. The original plan that this calendar is based on called for a liminal day between years for New Year’s Day with 2 days for leap years
I work for a company which used to have 13 financial periods. It was great. Then they switched to 12 and we now have a couple of 5 week periods thrown in to balance the year out. I don’t know why they decided that but it’s not as good now.
There is a choice between having an extra day in the holiday season and counting up the extra days plus leap days, and inserting an extra week every several years
Adding the extra day annoys people who value weeks continuing as they have since ancient times
Using a leap week rule makes the calendar track the seasons a little worse. Solstices and equinoxes will move by about a week over several years
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As someone who has proposed this system myself, I feel the need to point out that the meme is glossing over a couple key points:
First and foremost, 13*28 is 364 days, so to avoid slippage you’d need an extra day appended to every year, either as part of a month, which breaks symmetry, or on it’s own. You’d also still need leap years.
And in order for the days of the week to be immutably aligned with dates, these extra days would also have to not be part of any week. Which is a big problem if you want to get anyone who practices an Abrahamic faith on board with the plan.
What exactly would be so troublesome with having a “special day” outside of the usual week/month cycle? You can still go worship on whatever day of the week applicable to your faith. Just make the last day of the year its own thing. We can call it “New Years Eve” and party together.
It makes the calendar less than compatible with the commandment to keep the Sabbath by not working on every seventh day.
Which is not insurmountable in practice (e.g. by keeping a separate ecumenical calendar) but you can bet it would be a significant source of opposition.
But you’d be resting on the extra day, too (if you want, I for one will be partying). So you’d never go more than seven days without rest.
If that still doesn’t fly, I suggest we combine the extra day and the previous day into a mega-day that is 48 hrs long. Then everyone except programmers will be happy (we’re never happy with datetime conventions anyway, so what’s one more if-else statement between friends).
Not a calendarologist, but I’m pretty sure lunar calendars were tried and rejected for a reason. Other than the places that still use them for traditional reasons.
Of course, maybe they just didn’t have the concept of leap days?
See also: Metric time.
10hrs in a day. 100min in a hour. 100 sec in a min.
You’d need to redefine the derived SI Units, or take new measurements for newly derived units. Newtons, joules, pascals, hertz, coulombs, watts, volts, ohms, farads, siemens, webers, teslas, henrys, becquerels, grays, sieverts, and katals.
Also not to mention motion and heat.
You could say there’s a large amount of pressure to not change, or that it’s a high “bar”…
I hope you smiled, because that is one joke I will not be making again.
You don’t need to redefine any of them if you don’t change the length of a second though, right? Because the SI unit for time is the second?
As long as you just change the definition for non-SI units, sure kilometers or miles per hour changes, but that’s not SI, so nobody cares.
Though I like the idea a lot, 60 has the great advantage that you can devide it by 2,3,4,5 and 6 which is a very useful property… The real power move would be to use the 60-system for everything… Like the Babylonians did, or so I heared
Nah, base 12 number system with the same logic as metric. But it’s probably too late to switch to a different number system.
Nah. Can’t devide by ape fingers
Fuck it. No-one is this thread can seem to agree, so I’m making a unilateral declaration that from here on out, all units of time except for the second are abolished, and we just use unix time for everything. You have until 1699217619s to make the switch.
We’ll call it “Longpork’s Law”
you can omit the unit now
Every birthday you have, for your entire life, being on a Wednesday.
Sounds great.
Let’s make each month 73 days.
5 months. We can figure out a season for each one!
And pay less than half as much rent!
Pretty sure this is what the Mayans used.
Really? I don’t see it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_calendar
Except that a lunar cycle is 29.5 days long.
The Jews recognized this and their calendar runs akin to it (https://www.timeanddate.com/date/jewish-leap-year.html), but with 7 “leap months” occurring over the course of 19 years. Of course, then they fuck it up with extra or fewer days to keep certain holidays from falling on certain days of the week. You win some, you lose some.
What was the original idea of our calendar? And did every month have 8 weeks or so? Were weeks longer?
Lousy Smarch weather.
Is it true though?
364/28 = 13
The Human Calculator Calendar by Scott Flansburg: https://calendars.fandom.com/wiki/Human_Calculator_Calendar
As thewitchslayer says, the lunar month has 29.5 days. English common law has a “lunar month” which is 28 days though.