Miller I’m not trying to call you out, but suddenly you tweets went from pro-GameStop, pro-DRS and informational content to non-stop political tweet spam. What’s the scoop brother? Why the sudden change? Politics have been kept out of this across all the communities and seen as taboo and decisive.

I only ask because I follow you specifically for GME content, and the political stuff is off putting regardless of my political alignment.

Had anyone else noticed this lately?

  • Millertime1216@lemmy.whynotdrs.orgM
    1 year ago

    I love you brother. Thank you for posting!

    Answer: There are more important things going on than GME. Only a retarded liberal wouldn’t know this. Just kidding!!

    Real answer: My free time has been much more limited since I stopped ignoring my business for the GME/DRS cause. The time I donated cost me more money than most of you would believe if I told you. I’ll soon be to the point in rebuilding my business that I can jump back in the fray on X, Reddit, and here, but it will never be to the extent that it was.

    GameStop/DRS posts carry with it more of a time investment than other subjects especially since I typically get DM replies and questions that I would never want to ignore.

    I am a team builder and leader by nature. Leadership by example is huge. THAT was the root motivation for the majority of my previous constant social media posting. I think it was a success. I take some credit for the existence of the DRSGME/WHYDRS private discord team which is a collection of some of the most talented, hard-working, selfless people I have ever met.

    X (Twitter) does not have “subs” so I can’t separate content even if I wanted to, which I don’t. My hope is that some of you that follow me for GME/DRS might be otherwise enlightened (especially by Biblical-related content). Conversely, some people follow me for other reasons and my hope is that some of them will therefore learn about GME/DRS.

    Lastly, politics were only limited (not “kept out of this”) by Reddit rules. No where else. GME/DRS IS political too…CHANGING THE WORKD IS WHAT’S AT STAKE!!

    • Mcdrssando@lemmy.whynotdrs.orgOP
      1 year ago

      Hey thanks for taking the time to respond. That’s all fair enough. You have a platform with a lot of followers and you and you alone decide what content you share.

      It was so hot and heavy one day that it struck me as out of the norm to the point I was concerned your account may have been compromised.

      And yes, everything is fucked and other things require attention. I just wanted to make sure you hadn’t fallen off the rocket with GME is all. Cheers brother!