Specifically for lemmy: https://browse.feddit.de/, to find more smaller communities you like and help them grow.
Another tip, browse All in your instance for a while, especially as new communities are popping up like crazy right now. Sub to them when you see them.
Nice, it even found my two communities I created as a test where I’m not yet sure if I want to advertise them. (Not sure if I want the work of moderating them.) Useful 👍
https://www.ifixit.com/ - free repair guides
Wow thank you so much for this! Off to fix my stove so it can do more than one temperature and have all 4 burners working 🏃🏼♀️
Their tools kits are also super solid.
I’ve never had to buy any of their stuff, but it’s good to know they provide quality products!
I’ve fixed so many of my devices with those guides, and usually buy their parts and repair kit for whatever repair I’m doing — perfectly customized tools specific to the weird intricacies of the repair. I’m a huge fan. #RightToRepair
squoosh.app - Easy to use image compression without upload
I💙IMG is a great free online image editor
https://www.erowid.org/ with plenty of resources for harm reduction. In case you or a loved one is a drug user, at least you can help them (or yourself) to not hurt them too much
I always found it funny that the domain was an anagram of weirdo.
Can I offer a non tech site?
A bit niche - train travel around the world - but if you want to travel between countries by train, or several countries, or cross country, this is THE site. I’ve used it for inspiration, and for checking whether a mad idea I’ve had is feasible, and for planning.
I’ve done a few trips by train and often people are amazed at my travel know-how but in reality I have none, the guy who makes this website does, and he makes it all incredibly easy. Timetables, prices, options, suggested routes, links to buy tickets, what to expect from the train facilities, it’s all in there.
Great amount of free and gratis services, love the work they are doing.
This reminds me also of Framasoft.org , who do a similar thing.
Do you know whether the call function works in UAE? Im tired of having to use zoom
Nope, I’ve only ever used mail.
Damn ill check it out and see if it works
The fediverse
Be the change…
Sleepytime.cc. It calculates sleep cycles to tell you when to go to sleep or when to wake up. I’ve been using it for years and can attest that I always wake up feeling rested and refreshed.
wavedrom.com is something I myself discovered recently. It can draw timing diagrams by taking JSON-style text as input.
I would have loved this back in university
Saltify Share sensitive information safely
I know it’s probably not the target audience for this, but the idea of safely sharing secrets by pasting them into unknown websites is… terrifying to say the least.
Fair enough. For proper encryption and security this is likely not the best tool. By what I understand most encryption is done server side as well on that site, which is an issue. Does anyone have a better alternative?
Sure. It just doesn’t fit OP’s question, as he was asking for a website.
- SourceHut as an alternative git foundry, https://sr.ht
- Any HedgeDoc deployment , like https://pad.nixnet.services/
- Any jitsi meet deployment, like https://meet.jit.si/
- KeyOxide for online identity verification (using gpg), https://keyoxide.org/
- PlantUML for drawing all kinds of diagrams based on formal text descriptions (online version: https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/uml/, but mainly just an offline tool). I’d encourage people not to use online services for everything but simply rely on good tools.
- Freesound.org (https//freesound.org) for sound fragments
- TrekCore.com for Star Trek sounds ;) https://www.trekcore.com/audio/
- Bookwyrm as a fediverse alternative for sites like goodreads (tracking and reviewing books): https://bookwyrm.social/
- Fotostrips.nl if you’re dutch and like comics
And in general I’d wish more people would use RSS (and more sites would prominently offer it) to aggregate things like news.