Struggling to find a lot of music with Lidarr (New/Recent/Modern). Have a few general public/private trackers set up but still not getting many hits. From what I gather Usenet isn’t much better. And I’m not really confident in transcoding, bit rates, etc… to attempt an interview.
Basically what are my options? Is there something I’m missing or is music just getting harder to find?
Use soulseek instead. Nicotine+ is a pretty good soulseek client.
If you’re familiar with What.CD and its shutdown, the power users and their local copy of that music archive moved over to (stats) and (stats). They’re private torrent trackers so they’re invite-only, but TMK they both still offer interviewing as an entry option: RED, OPS. The interviews mostly consist of technical audio information and private tracker rules. The main downside is that these trackers expect you to seed an equal amount back, so you don’t get a free pass to download everything without limits. Of the two, Orpheus is a lot easier to maintain “ratio” on since it gives you incremental credit just for having a large seedbase (even if no one is downloading from you). Ideally you should be on both if you’re serious about music collecting, but these days they are largely just mirrors of each other.
If you don’t want to get dirty in the private tracker world, I’d recommend Soulseek and RuTracker.
I’m just not confident that I’d be able to pass an interview with either of them. No issue with rules or ratios, I simply don’t have enough time to study up on the technicals. I used to be on a decent tracker years ago, but didn’t pay enough attention when they shut down and missed out on the open invites.
I’ve tried RuTracker in the past but it hasn’t worked very well for me so far. Soulseek sounds interesting, especially if they get a Lidarr integration working.
There’s no soulseek integration yet, but that would be a game changer, the collections in there are incredible, especially when trying to find EPs, singles and rarities. We’ve been waiting for a good long while though.
In the meantime, it’s a lot of work to build a collection, even with lidarr, torrents, semi-private, private trackers and usenet.
For soulseek, I’d recommend setting a blackhole torrent client that points to the soulseek download folder, them always make sure you download the folder not the files from the share. That will make importing the files a lot easier into lidarr if you choose to keep that as your centralized download tool.
There are also extended scripts for lidarr that will pull music from various sources as well.
It’s really not that bad, both interviews are nearly identical, and both sites provide all the study material necessary. If you really want to get sneaky, you an look up the questions in advance. You get a reasonable time to answer, and an unlimited number of attempts. OPS I passed immediately, RED failed me the first time but passed the second. 50-60% of the answers I had no clue about before reading the study material. The worst part is waiting for an interviewer / the queue to get a test, but they’ve got systems to keep your place in queue as well.
Try SoulSeek
Any way to connect this to Lidarr? I’d prefer to avoid manually searching for everything. 😅
Based off this incomplete thread official integration is desired but not yet complete. Sorry didn’t look into that first.
Not at the moment, no. But it’s worth it for the range of things you find on there.
I use but that’s probably not what you are looking for. You need to search up every song manually.
As far as I know, the source is Deezer, so almost all FLACs are legitimate. Almost.This has been my only solution. I did find out if you do artist name and album name it returns all songs in album so that helped. Still really tedious compared to getting a torrent.
I tried getting music through usenet and ended up just caving and joining my friends Spotify family plan because it was such a pain. I still have lidarr synced with Spotify so as I find new music it tracks it and tries to pull it but most fails
This is the way
Why would anyone pay for Spotify trash-non-opensourced software?
Convenience probably
As a fellow lemming, someone who manages their own Plex server, and generally self-hosts services as a hobby, the simplicity of this comment has me rolling.
Sometimes the shit you pay for just works, lol.
Algorithm, pragmatism and easy of use. The time I would have to dedicate to it is worth more than what a family Spotify account costs me
yeah, sounds reasonable, untill i open up my Firefox-Browser with ublock origin and go on the spotify website, where i have more usability than my friend who pays for it and uses their phone app
yeah, but when you want your playlist downloaded for when you are traveling or offline…you could not. Well I prefer to pay 30€ yearly for convenience. Some others pay for a VPN or usenet provider, others like me, for spotify. However for movies and TV shows I never stopped sailing seas.
RED or OPS are the two best options in my opinion, and they both have interview processes.
Side note: Soulseek is good, but I’ve found that a lot of the FLACs on it are transcoded.
Someone somewhere pointed me to Lidarr Extended which looks like it’s been deprecated and moved to
I’ve got it set up, it works fantastically. The other important step is to get a Deezer ARL (there are various sources for this, or you can use your own, if you have one) and the accepts will crawl your Lidarr library every 15 minutes and download anything from Deezer that’s available. It can also use Tidal or Qobuz, but credentials for those aren’t as easy to come by as Deezer, and they all seem to have the same music available.
I’m not having any problems with my indexers on Usenet. All my searching is through Prowlarr though, if that makes any difference to you.