recent: tears of the kingdom, or as i like to call it botw 1.2, its the same thing all over again just with one or two added gimicks, the open world is dead, npcs are boring and nintendo just got away with it like that

not so recent: i cant stand persona 5, joker and his entourage are annoying teenagers, the time management is a horrible gameplay addition and the artstyle is just a visual overstimulation

with that being said,~~ plz dont kill me~~

    2 years ago

    Somehow, even though I felt like I was following all the tutorial advice in the demo about how staggering worked, battles were taking an incredibly long time to finish.

    I’ll admit the original had somewhat dumb writing at times, but it made up for it in snappy pacing, not having you linger on any one moment. The most fantastic moment of the original was zooming straight from the city overview down into the train station for instant action. For the remake, they seem to overload on nostalgia in order to take a 3-second shot in the first game, and wind it through into a 30-second orchestrally-scored scene; imo even going so far as to ruin that opening shot.