Hopefully this improves the user experience for password managers. I use bitwarden, and currently, often times the option doesn’t come up to use bitwarden. I will need to refresh the page or close/reopen the app to get the option to come up.
I’ve found that hitting the autofill from the quick settings panel is another workaround. It’s still annoying, but at least you don’t need to reopen the app
Hopefully this improves the user experience for password managers. I use bitwarden, and currently, often times the option doesn’t come up to use bitwarden. I will need to refresh the page or close/reopen the app to get the option to come up.
I use keypass and sometimes have to manually switch to it’s built in keyboard when it won’t automatically detect it.
Have you set android autofill framework to use bitwarden?
Yes, but I still have issues with it. From googling my issues, it seems to be extremely common.
I’ve found that hitting the autofill from the quick settings panel is another workaround. It’s still annoying, but at least you don’t need to reopen the app