Whenever some super Christian says something [insert a group of people]-phobic, I like to point them to John 6:37, especially the part where it says all those that come to me I will never drive away
Honestly It has come to a point where those that claim to be Christian dont follow the bible or Gods lessons. Personally, I don’t really know if I believe in God but if they are real I doubt they would like what their followers do… Kinda pathetic to excuse all your bigotry by using a book that you don’t even understand.
Whenever some super Christian says something [insert a group of people]-phobic, I like to point them to John 6:37, especially the part where it says all those that come to me I will never drive away
Honestly It has come to a point where those that claim to be Christian dont follow the bible or Gods lessons. Personally, I don’t really know if I believe in God but if they are real I doubt they would like what their followers do… Kinda pathetic to excuse all your bigotry by using a book that you don’t even understand.
Well, if God made the world in seven days and then just checks in every few aeons or so…
Doesn’t really care what’s going on, I’d say
Yeah that divine being probably moved on to other things huh. Good for em honestly