Well, guess it’s time to introduce myself. I’m ndguardian, a tech guy by day, (very amateur) music producer by night and gamer the rest of the time. Based out of the midwest US. On that note, technically wouldn’t I be more mideast? Definitely more on the eastern half of the US, but whatever.

I don’t really have a formal music background…I was in show choir in high school, then as of a few years ago decided to get into synthesizers and grooveboxes. I don’t release a ton of stuff, though technically I do have two tracks on Soundcloud. I’ll link that at the end in case you care to check it out.

I like to think I have a fairly mixed taste in music, with my preferences ranging from Ozzy Osbourne to Hans Zimmer. As for my music production preferences though, I tend to steer more toward ambient and soundtrack-esque music.

Anyway, feel free to hit me up if you have questions or just want to chat.

My Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ndguardian

  • @phrixious
    31 year ago

    Cool to see other new people join! I’m also originally from around the midwest (though, east of STL so, I guess not really the midwest). I think your Dreams of Loss track was really nice. If you’re interested, please show us what you’re working on and maybe we can give you some feedback!

    • BetoMA
      31 year ago

      please show us what you’re working on and maybe we can give you some feedback!

      This! I created !feedback@lemmy.studio for people who want to share songs and get feedback on them.

    • ndguardianOPA
      21 year ago

      I might do that here soon. I have a couple tracks I’ve been working on periodically but nothing that I feel is too share-worthy yet. Pretty excited to share and also give others feedback.

      And I’m glad you enjoyed that track. That’s hands down the one song I’ve been most proud of so far. :)

  • BetoMA
    21 year ago

    Welcome! I just listened to “Dreams of Loss”, it’s a lovely atmospheric track, really nice!

    • ndguardianOPA
      21 year ago

      I’m glad you liked it. It’s my favorite thing I’ve made so far!