I’m terrified of what it would do to me if i ever create an account/download it. I already struggle with being sorta addicted to content on youtube and IG, don’t need another timesink.
Also, i’m hopelessly boomer, in the sense that I really prefer long-form content than extremely short-form ways of presenting it.
Yeah I’ve had it since I was 15, my brain is fucked 😭
I genuinely think the content is really good once you curate your fyp, but it’s the biggest trap if you have an addictive personality. I’m trying to repair my attention span by watching movies and shows more instead, but it’s difficult to not mindlessly scroll. Kinda been using it as a distraction from my problems lately and it’s becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy thing where I just feel stuck
Shit destroyed my attention span even further and is far too addictive
I hate anything that has advertising I can’t skip and refuse to ever make use of it
You can skip tho lmao. Like, immediately. Ads just up as regular videos in your feed, I swipe up on them in a millisecond
I agree with what everyone’s saying here. I don’t think I qualify as old. I was a teenager when it first blew up. It’s designed to be addictive, extremely short form content has produced an absolute gutter of content. The success of it’s brain-mining operation is now being mimicked by every other form of entertainment on the planet. Everything’s got 15 cuts per second, 50 things flying around on screen at once, and so on. It feels like tiktok woke companies up to the fact that you don’t need good content, you just need hyperstimulation.
As well as all of that, I think tiktok tracks with the rise of onlyfans. In itself, the whole debate of self-prostitution is difficult. I understand that onlyfans is a preferable alternative to every other form of pornography production. However, the way it’s advertised on tiktok to kids doesn’t sit right with me, especially when it’s wrapped up as part of the brain goo. As in, you get the visual hyperstimulation of colours and noises, but you also get stimulation that appeals to a sexual desire which is so innate to being human. It gives you those brain chemicals to keep you on the app. Then these onlyfans models get a huge following, and as a result you see a worsening of the already bad porn addiction situation that came about with the ease of access the internet provides. I’m not blaming the onlyfans models for it - it’s a symptom of a much larger problem of capitalism induced isolation and commodification of our very minds.
bc people typing like this make me feel older than i actually am. i dislike the self-censorship of terms such as killing, fuck, etc, and I don’t mean that in a chuddy anti-censorship way it just comes off as insincere when people say shit like unalive or whatever. to actually unpack why i hate it when people type like shown in the screenshot - nothing of substance is actually being said, it’s just a bunch of canned phrases being used in their context. i understand this isn’t representative of tiktok as a whole but it sure as hell is what i associate with tiktok.
Those comments are meant to be stupidly funny for teenagers not have substance lol
The self-censorship is bc tiktok has a history of shadowbanning content that uses certain words
I don’t hate it but I think the extreme short format combined with aggressive algorithm baiting leads to the most boring, brainless content imaginable. I’ve seen some fantastic content on Tiktok too - but I’m not sifting through the rubble looking for it.
the people on this site are old is the biggest reason. i say this with love.
This is definitely a big part of it. One of the best parts of getting older is seeing a new thing and saying to yourself, “Nah, I’m good.”
Am old. Am not on TikTok
It preys on my very addictive personality. I won’t touch it because I know it will consume my life
the app is a fucking nightmare straight out of black mirror. there is something about people surrendering to an algorithm-generated never-ending barrage of “content” beamed right into their cabeza that makes my fucking skin crawl. whathavetheydonetous
I’m a boomer and seeing happy dancey makes me feel angry
i am old and afraid of change
because it’s literally a fucking skinner box
Please explain why you think so
social mediasmulti-user blogs are. It’s a behavioral thing. If a specific behavior always guaranties results, then it makes sense to only do it when you need results. But if that behavior only sometimes yields results, then the brain kicks in and goes, “Oh, I should do this frequently, so that I already have [results] if and when I need them.” This is good tactics, evolutionary. The brain that persist and has [results] should generally be better suited for survival than the brain that gives up and has no [results]. On an individual level though……it’s only good tactics situationally. When the behavior is [LOGGING ON] and the results are [GOOD POSTS], then it’s more of a vicious trap than good tactics. Especially when your time almost certainly could be better spent doing anything other than sifting through posts. This doesn’t just apply to websites. Gambling exploits this behavioral tendency as well. Most video games employ it, intentionally or unintentionally, to varying degrees.
yeah as I was writing my response I realized, aw, fuck, I need to get off hexbear for awhile because it’s the same kind of drug
but tiktok is more aggressive and capitalist, therefore more malicious
:hexbear-static: this is my blog. there are many like it, but this one is mine
:meow-hug: Goodnight and good :logout:, I shall be doing so as well
much like a slot machine, it is a device designed to totally monopolize your attention for long stretches of time with randomized releases of dopamine rewards based on some minimal mechanical input from the user (the buttons in slots, scrolling in tiktok’s case) for the purpose of monetizing you. it is weaponized psychology.
Their webpage is pretty easy to navigate on desktop. That’s based on, maybe, six whole minutes of browsing. Like all
social mediablogs, the best way to interact with it is to let someone else sift through and find the gems.Also, China has better captchas, but i don’t get to poison some tech dork’s data pool with malicious answers.
I don’t hate it. I just don’t find it useful. I do hate how every trendy thing happens on there so when my coworkers ask me if I’ve seen some video I say no and they awkwardly walk away