Hi, would you know a privacy friendly clock app ?
App for what? What are you using that doesn’t already have a clock?
I like Clock You.
The name sounds like an insult haha
Or like someone just got smacked upside of their head.
Depending on what you want, a clock app is something you can easily build yourself. Nothing more private than what is already yours.
ClocksAndroid: Simple Clock
Linux: GNOME Clocks
Hi guys, thanks for yur help. With “Simple clock” and “clock you” the problem is that when I turn my screen off, the alarm doesnt work. I don’t understand cause I unabled all authorisation possible with these apps. How can I solve it ? My phone is a TCL with Android 11.
You could try this https://www.f-droid.org/en/packages/com.simplemobiletools.clock/