When was the last time you critically supported anything?
What this site needs is more people saying the “of course they aren’t perfect either” mantra every paragraph like the libs do to make their view seem balanced, we should be required to mention the Katyn massacre at least once every ten posts
I stopped reading your post because I see you neglected to condemn Hamas
I don’t support anything uncritically. I think we must always leave room for (productive) criticism.
We live in an imperfect world and always will.
OP is talking about the genuine use of the term ‘critical support’. Take hamas: because you’re an anti-imperialist, you support national liberation. Because you’re a communist or anarchist, you’re not aligned with their political ideology — so you support the movement while critical of its politics, same with e.g. anarchists and Vietnam.
Saying “I am critical of the things I support” is an empty platitude.
The term should’ve been “tactical support”, would’ve prevented this confusion
I would have actually changed the title to say unconditionally support things.
I place no conditions on my support for the liberation of the Palestinian people for instance. All violence against an exterminationist apartheid regime, and those who take part in its project, is justified.
If any Israeli (children for example or anti-Zionists that were born there) is a casualty of this war, the blame lies at the feet of the Zionists not the Palestinians.
I really, really like the phrase “tactical support”.
Tacticool support