This vibes anecdotally with my local chapter. In the face of overwhelming membership solidarity with Palestinian liberation, the social imperialist reactionaries are purging themselves.
This vibes anecdotally with my local chapter. In the face of overwhelming membership solidarity with Palestinian liberation, the social imperialist reactionaries are purging themselves.
Oh, so the organization can just be turned demcent without this factoring in? If your thesis had the slightest bearing, you’d think the policy would be oriented toward reconciliation for the sake of big tent politics instead of just terminating chapters, since you can’t merely make the whole org demcent with the wave of a wand, nor can you be ideologically neutral in the developmental stages, meaning any attempt at demcent can be very easily cast as splitting.
At what point was I advocating for making DSA demcent? The rule prevents any demcents from making a coup attempt so being a hazard for them if they succeed is a positive. Its like a corporate poison pill clause enforcing the holy command: Thou shalt not splinter the org.
Tone down the debate bro energy
So then it is anti-demcent