Anyone else ever notice you never hear jack shit about antisemitism unless Israel is doing war crimes again ?
At what point does it become worth exploring whether the state of Israel itself is antisemitic?
Palestinians are semites.
I swear I slipped through a right angle into a dimension where this isn’t true anymore I feel fucking crazy like 90% of the time these days
Did you ever consider that actually it’s hateful to want people to not be oppressed? Checkmate tankie.
This is pretty sick. idk, it’s just real bad. The state has re-defined “antisemitism” to mean any opposition to the Israeli state’s violence. It’s not very far from criminalizing the existence of Palestinian people
Would somebody do me a favor and sink that stupid island already
Be quiet, in all of the ways the UK is bad the USA is worse.
I mean, if somebody could sink the USA for me too while they’re at it I’d sure appreciate it
Great. Sometimes it’s frustrating when you advocate for Palestine and whatever else and then you read a comment saying you basically deserve to die. Which I understand is a joke, and that you’re just going to reply mocking me now, but I wanted to say that anyway.
I think the person is referring to the state, but not the people or the environment.
The USA and the UK have strong patriotic currents which are entangled with their imperialist past and present.
I don’t think anybody here thinks you deserve to die or claim this would be acceptable, random internet stranger 💜I’m not going to mock you, comrade. Black humor is how we at hexbear deal with the crushing weight of the historical and ongoing crimes of the imperial core countries we come from. I can see how that might be jarring to an outsider.
(Person says “Free Palestine!) (Person assaults a visibly Jewish individual)
Libs: these are the same thing.
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It will never stop making my stomach churn to see the very real problem of antisemitism leveraged to provide rhetorical cover for a genocide.
The more I think about it, western media has always used this kind of righteous propaganda, it’s just that more people can see how nakedly hypocritical it is this time. I mean isn’t all the concern that’s played up by the west about feminism, queer rights, terrorism, etc. basically the same thing? Like how the US justifies its imperialism against Iran under the guise of advancing women’s rights or attacks China using queerphobia as pretense.
It’s very useful because it allows imperialists to portray themselves as the good guys and dismiss their opposition as bigotry. “You don’t want to bomb China? What are you, transphobic?”
This is why liberals are the actual global danger coming out of the west rather than the clown show that is the conservatives, who mostly focus on internal suppression.
The libs will gladly support undeniable ethnic cleansing so long as the narrative is in place. Republicans/Conservatives/whatthefuckever you call them will too for that matter, but like I mentioned, they’re just focused on it internally much more than the libs who seem wish to export it globally
Can’t say I agree that there’s any difference between Democrats and Republicans with regard to foreign policy. Endless war against everyone that opposes the US is totally bipartisan.
Their marketing and propaganda is what I’m trying to get at. I.e. liberals sell themselves as level headed and internally, relatively, progressive while the other side of the face screams for global war and murder
They both want war, Democrats and republicans, but republicans sell themselves with a bull shit internal culture war thing, which will die out and can’t really be effectively exported outside the US, while the Democrats will say to you that they want to kill and justify it with a million different mental gymnastics, which seems to be a more effective strategy so far as popular approval goes
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somebody should report the original creator of that meme for antisemitism
That would be
Their site is full of funny memes tm
When they go high, we fart low