Basically we redistribute most of the wealth we confiscate from the millionaires to the working class, give the billionaires their pound of flesh for financing the revolution, and we banish the billionaires to a bunch of little special economic zones on islands and shit where they can do neofeudalcapitalism or whatever, but only there! The rest of the world transitions to communism and we let the next generation deal with the billionaires we made a Faustian bargain with.

We should basically do to billionaires what they tried doing to Napoleon.

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Swap round millionaires and billionaires. Materially, millionaires have more in common with the working class. They’re more likely to live alongside and socialize with working class people. They’re more exposed to the everyday problems of working class people, and even share some of them. Millionaires are more likely to loose their wealth and comfort as the economy continues to constrict and squeeze the edges of the imperial core. Don’t hold your breath for the good kind of class traitor, but expect it from the small-time local gentry, not the elite of the elite.