Hasan Piker (HasanAbi) speaks to the BBC's Christian Fraser live on "The Context with Christian Fraser" in relation to the Israel-Gaza conflict.Interviewed l...
He did it from his hotel in Las Vegas with scuffed audio and Internet because he’s there for TwitchCon
Hasan doesn’t care about mainstream news. He only goes on there as a pipeline for others to discover him. He essentially doing the Contrapoints Patreon thing, except that Hasan is live every day for like 8h a day. He’s a news aggregator for a big chunk of that schedule. Sometimes he plays games/watches fun vids to destress but he mostly is known as a news aggregator.
Hasan doesn’t care about mainstream news. He only goes on there as a pipeline for others to discover him. He essentially doing the Contrapoints Patreon thing, except that Hasan is live every day for like 8h a day. He’s a news aggregator for a big chunk of that schedule. Sometimes he plays games/watches fun vids to destress but he mostly is known as a news aggregator.