For those wondering, here are more details on the fare changes. In general they will stay the same or be cheaper. In my case, purchasing a 5 pack of day passes will be cheaper than buying a 10 ride pass. It will likely depend on what zone you’re coming from. Only part that sucks is that I can no longer choose to only use 1 ticket from the 10 ride pass and instead I have to use a whole day pass or purchase a one way ticket separately if I only take the train once that day.
wow. that sorta sucks all around.
Under the new structure, fares will be equal to or lower than prepandemic levels. Major changes would include:
Replacing the existing 10-zone distance-based structure with a simplified four-zone structure;
Discontinuing the promotional $6 and $10 Day Passes and $100 Super Saver Monthly Pass;
Replacing the 10-Ride Ticket with a Day Pass 5-Pack available only in the Ventra app;
Discontinuing “incremental fares” – a surcharge to travel beyond the zones indicated on a ticket.
“Major revision” always means “fare increase.”