TWIF generated on Thursday, 12 Oct 2023 ,Week 41F-Droid coreVulnerable Apps in F-Droid patched and updated for youThis week we updated and patched some apps ...
It’s in there, in fact it probably was the first time as it says 15 Oct. However it’s only in the versions list, with 0.17 as the recommended version like /u/woelkchen@lemmyworld said.
Librera was updated on 5 Oct, however its changelog doesn’t mention the zero day bug.
I can’t see FDroid v1.18 yet, nor a new version of Librera Reader. Looks like everyone’s been very quick to publish this.
It should be there now! (scroll down below versions).
It’s in there, in fact it probably was the first time as it says 15 Oct. However it’s only in the versions list, with 0.17 as the recommended version like /u/woelkchen@lemmyworld said.
Librera was updated on 5 Oct, however its changelog doesn’t mention the zero day bug.