The reality for those that have been through the collapse of Digg and now Reddit due to centralized corporate greed: “WE WONT GET FOOLED AGAIN!”
Decentralized and federated is the future. Hopefully it will be a healthier version of social media.
For-profit is not the future. Commercial platforms aren’t the future. Advertising-funded services are all doomed to fail eventually Enshitification is inevitable when the fundamental purpose of the site is commerce.
At least as it is now, fediverse is all cooperative and user-funded. That will be what protects it from going down the same road. Whether it can permanently survive that way I do not know. As soon as any major instance turns to advertising to pay the bills, the entire space is in deep and terrible danger.
People just need to understand that they are going to have to abandon communities.
Competition is the way to go.
Why so?
I believe profitable non-profit organization are the future.
Organizations with a goal that is not to maximize their profit, being profitable is just a way to reach their goal.
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
I hope the threadiverse will end up being as good an experience as mastodon, it really is a more healthy version of social media to me at least :)
Fool me once,shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on… Me
Fool me thrice… you fooled me I can’t get fooled again!
I’ve been on reddit an embarrassingly long time. From before the rapist thread to violentacrez facilitating abhorrent things.
Lemmy certainly seems less abhorrent and also a bit of a difficult learning curve.
Maybe the curve will keep the trolls out of here… It’s a bit like using Linux. Almost all people you interact with are nice and intelligent since you need to be a certain kind of personality to even be interested in learning it.
When something becomes mainstream popular, corporations will stripmine the value and the experience will worsen significantly.
You’re not wrong. I also wish it were more accessible to lovely people.
I’m not necessarily nice, just not a dick.
Not really intelligent, I just smash my head against the wall until things work.
But fuck big corporations.
seems reminiscent of the whole pre-order type deal for games
Remember when Reddit was the free software alternative?
They had one founder who actually believed in that, he left in 2007 and is now deceased. (RIP) But they’ve been milking it ever since.
Huffman and Ohanian are both Y Combinator grifter types, Ohanian also happens to be married to Serena Williams yet rather than being content to live off his extremely wealthy wife’s money he’s spent the last few years touting crypto scams.
Yeah Aaron swartz was internet believer. Fun y how people like him get targeted.
Fuck MIT.
DOJ basically killed him for doing proto-scihub stuff
Yeah they overcharged him thinking he’d take a plea. Kinda standard but fucked up, too.
yeah it’s almost like the entire criminal legal system is fundamentally corrupt and only serves to enforce existing power structures.
Further, copyright and the rest of the intellectual property lot only serve the current corporatist arrangement, helping keep large companies hard to compete with. It’s funny how people praise things like patents for “protecting” people, but it’s literally a government-granted monopoly on useful shit that would be cheap and accessible if people couldn’t pay for the rights to legally screw other people over.
The entire political & economic systems are built to serve and enforce existing power structures.*
While I don’t think he should have been charged in the first place, the way people were doing calculations with the charges was funny math. They were adding up the maximum possible punishments, which is just not how things work for a first time non violent offender who had no financial interest. I wouldn’t be surprised if those “decades of prison time” turned into community service with some parole.
Oh shit, I thought spez was the one who married the tennis she-hulk.
Pepperidge farm remembers!
Member barriers Member
Guy looks like an even bigger dipship with facial hair.
He gives me heavy mouth breather vibes.
Guacamole dipship.
This picture in particular looks incomplete without rat ears.
I’m never going back. Changing that to a non-zero chance would depend on spez getting the boot.
At this point, spez resigning wouldn’t cut it. Reddit would need to be made into a non-profit a la Wikipedia and be managed by a trust.
This option makes the most sense, which is why it will never happen
Nevermind that their investors aren’t about to let them alter course with a looming IPO payday.
Unless… all the advertisers pull out, the IPO fails, reddit goes bankrupt, and “we” buy out the company with a gofundme.
I can’t commit to anything above non-zero. But at the same time, getting me to come back sounds more like a reddit problem than a me problem.
Oh I’m not saying I’d rejoin Reddit if that happened, only that that’s what would be required for me to consider it in the first place.
Spez created Reddit as an open source project
They closed the source code 6 years ago.
This photo makes him look like the terrorist from Contact.
Jake Busey can totally play Spez in the future Apple TV+ movie about the collapse of reddit.
The Asocial Network
Jake Busey? Yeah, it’s the Busey teeth.
i would like to keep my data
Nope, its reddits property. Read the EULA, no joke.
Their EULA has no power where GDPR applies.
Had that discussion a couple of times over there. Someone even pulled out the extract from the ToS, which is utterly ridiculous, basically suggests anything you post there is theirs do use as they please, which goes against all the copyright and data privacy laws I know about at least in the EU. It’s so silly, imagine posting your unreleased song for feedback on /r/wearethemusicmakers only for Reddit to publish it and claim the revenue.
Yeah, only problem is that you need to enforce it.
EU has been known to fine and collect on way bigger fish than Reddit. Enough users from the EU need to file failure to comply with deletion claims under the GDPR to their local enforcement agencies for it to happen.
I wish more people were aware of this, sadly most don’t even have time to consider this.
Not saying it’s in any way realistic, just that that’s what it would take for me to consider maybe rejoining Reddit.
Yikes. I’m barely gonna check Reddit.
I checked Reddit today. Of course from old reddit. It’s literally crap. Not cause I hate reddit now but the first 50 some frontpage subs just sucked. I’m glad I deleted my account
Deleting you account removes your authority over it. The best course is to delete all the content from your profile, then supervise the empty space so you can lay the hammer down when they restore everyone’s data saying “your thoughts are ours, the terms and conditions say so” then you report them to an ICO and let the GDPR hammer come down on them.
Is there an easy way to remove all your content without having to delete everything individually?
I used PowerDeleteSuite to nuke all my comments and posts. Once you set it, it’s all automated. It also has an option to edit all your comments to say you left for lemmy (or whatever you feel like saying if you allow your comments to remain) if you’re inclined to do so.
It also doesn’t get everything. Reddit limits how much it shows in the lists PDS uses.
Nice! Worked like a charm. For anyone having issues with using a bookmark to run javascript, you can paste it into the developer console!
PowerDeleteSuite is pretty easy, however it doesn’t get everything - reddit limits the number of comments you can see on your profile. For example, if you look at one of your older top comments, after PDS does its stuff it will get rid of the top comment, but it will leave behind any low karma replies underneath.
Shreddit can take the GDPR csv files as an input, then it will go through and delete everything. You should use the github version rather than the website. However, you need the GDPR files to begin with, and it uses the API so it won’t work after 1 July. Reddit seem to have been stalling on delivering GDPR files for exactly this reason.
Old.reddit on my mobile w/firefox still doesn’t have ads. I still don’t see avatars &… While I’m struggling dearly with figuring lemmy out I still dig it.
Keep in mind the software behind Lemmy is very young, with many more kinks to iron out.
Updates come frequently, and more importantly actually bring new usability and value.
Ahh. I appreciate the – I genuinely did not know that until just now. I thought I was the one breaking things.
We’re on v0.17.4. Apparently v0.18 is just around the corner.