It would be very good if Godot had better starting options for newcomers.
As in, some example games that people can start playing around with.
Yes, there are official demos, but those are just for showcasing specific functionality of the engine.
What Godot needs is more projects that showcase gameplay mechanics.
Some simple demonstrations of how a popular game genre would be implemented with Godot.
Unreal Engine has Lyra and Unity has FPS Sample.
Liblast is probably the best such project for Godot, but in my opinion it misses the point, as developers went way too hard on shiny graphics instead of focusing on variety of weapons and game modes.
I’m sure that there are many other projects of similar sort that I am not aware of.
So please, feel free to provide any relevant links.
It should be in the interest of Godot community to provide game templates for as many game genres as possible.
My taste in video games might be stuck in the past, so my list of “popular game genres” probably does not reflect the modern state of what people like to play.
So it would be good if figuring out priorities would be a community effort. Example games for which genres should be developed first, so that we gain more interest from newcomers.
If I find some time, i will go through my list of starred repos and post links to all relevant projects that I came across over the years.
Overall, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
GDQuest has some demos that may be applicable here. I’ve found four looking through the list at Godot 2D Builder (simulation demo), Godot 2D Rhythm Game, 2D Space Game (top-down space mining demo), Godot 2D Platformer, and Godot Open RPG. Looking through their github some of these appear to only be Godot 3 though.
There are not many because Godot continues to change version , so the creators who are employed in 3.0, 3.5 feel frustrated to pass for 4.0, and it will be the same for 4.5, 5.0. The continuous change does not allow to create stable guides with time.
godot-demo-projects is exactly the thing that I mentioned above. Demo of one specific engine function, as opposed to a collection of game mechanics.
I am aware of awesome-godot, and it is a good resource. But I have not checked it out recently. Apparently the section that you linked to has links to Godot <=3.2. Maybe we could make some PRs with 4.x links as well.
Good news, Godot is free and open source and you can contribute! Not only, but it has many playable demos already in the asset store
Godot should hold a gamejam.
This year was it’s fourth year.
Nice! It’s a great start. Now that people are switching engines, they’ll probably have a good amount of entries next year. runs every month for the last …60+ months?! Feels like a long time!
Anyway, It’s a great community of godot game devs!