This is the announcement that has just been put forth by the Israeli ministries of internal affairs and the IDF.
Announcement from the municipality of Ness Ziona, Saturday, 7.10.23, time 13:00
Israel is at war.
Instructions of the Home Front Command:
It is recommended to stay next to protected spaces.
Gathering is prohibited:
Over 50 people in a closed area
Over 10 people in an open area
According to the instructions, all the events planned today, the eve of Simchat Torah, are cancelled.
Tomorrow, Sunday, 8.10.23, there will be no classes in all educational institutions.
Due to the situation, power outages in the city.
If it is not necessary, it is recommended not to use the elevators.
The municipal emergency teams are deployed in the area and provide a comprehensive response.
All the public shelters in the city are open and we equip them with emergency lighting, mattresses and water.
The municipal stadium was used as a reception center and is ready to receive residents as the need arises.
The educational psychological service was opened.
Hotline for emotional support for children and parents, call 08-9306010 or via 106 dispatch
Full support to Palestine and it’s allies for a decisive win!
So this is what Lenin meant by decades happening in weeks.
Glad to be part of this moment in history.
May Palestine emerge victorious and may we finally all be free from Usanian Hegemony 🫡
Israel fucking around: “Oh this helicopter raid and assassination is just a police action. We have an Iron Dome and a zillion chud conscripts to keep the rabble in line. Everything is under control.”
Israel finding out: “This is unpresidented! We are at War!!! Pearl Harbor! 9/11! Suez Crisis! Tianamen Square!”
“lets put all these people in a giant jail and leave them without water, food, electricity and other basic human rights. what could go wrong?”
Can’t be overstated how much of the Israeli state runs on Palestinian labor.
Its a country of European pensioners living large on the backs of native youth.
It’s not like Israel can just make all the Palestinians go away. They need them more than they hate them. Even this revolt won’t change that.
wishing for the triumph of the Palestinians 🙏
Heroes, all of them 🇵🇸
Victory to the liberators of Palestine, death to the colonizers.
Holy shit, is this real? Are we really seeing a major war in (occupied and free) Palestine?
Yes. This is real, and has been confirmed. The war has begun.
They should do their best to reach the West bank and cutting Israel in half. Hopefully guerilla fighters in the West bank and East Jerusalem are gonna join in. Ideally they should also coordinate an attack with Hezbollah and Syria should use this opportunity to regain the Golan heights.
Sadly Syria is in no position to lend major assistance. Most of their armed forces are still tied down either in active combat with remnant ISIS forces, or providing law and order in liberated areas. This means they do not have many units to spare. Further, even if they did have units available, Syria lacks the number of modern aircraft and tanks to actively threaten Israel, and they would probably fare poorly.
If Syria was part of a larger coalition like the Yom Kippur War, then they would be a large threat. Currently however it is unlikely they will enter hostilities with Israel directly.
Even if Syria had the troops and equipment, it would still unfortunately likely be outmatched against Israel, and Israel would inflict psychotic vengeance on Syria for daring to help liberate Palestine.
What does Israel consider “and its allies” to be here?
Any who will raise arms along with Hamas and Palestine. Troops have already been mobilized to the Jordan, Syrian, and Egyptian borders as a show of force.
In reality they basically mean Palestinian civilians as they see them as an enemy alongside Hamas.
Yay does this mean Isnotreal finally considers South Africa as an enemy? - Naledi Pandor was denied entry to Palestine while the head of the SAZF was greeted with open arms to do usual liberalism
This will probably also apply to Namibia, Cuba and Venezuela
Probably Iran and everyone else who hates the apartheid state in the region.
They were always at war only now Israel doesn’t need to hide
My heart goes out to the brave freedom fighters, this is a major step in the liberation of Palestine. I wish them all the best
Medvedev blamed US foreign policy for this escalation. What do y’all think?
Israel is the U.S. lapdog of the region, isn’t it?
More often the other way around
I feel like its more often the U.S. controlling/commanding Israel than vice versa. Israel commanding the U.S. has antisemitic overtones, and more importantly I don’t find it accurate. If the U.S. told Israel to bend over and wave it’s dick in front of a shark, Israel would ask how low.
Israel commanding the U.S. has antisemitic overtones
Vast Jewish Conspiracy to Undermine The Master Race has antisemitic overtones. US Congresscritters kowtowing to AIPAC because an elaborate web of bourgeoisie financial interests commands it is simply the way of the world.
Its no more antisemitic than commenting on American Presidents kissing the Saudi ring is anti-Arab.
If the U.S. told Israel to bend over and wave it’s dick in front of a shark, Israel would ask how low.
They wouldn’t. And no US Rep (outside the fringe right) would ask.
Of course Amerikkkans bowing to financial interests is the current way of the world, it just feels really fucking weird saying that Israel is the leader in the relationship.