This dude makes money spouting the dumbest fucking shit you’ve ever read and I don’t.
deleted by creator
holy shit nice catch, that’s some advanced race theory right there. so that’s why ukrainians insist on calling russians as “mongols”, it all makes sense.
Black, White and Other
Just like we’ve been saying this entire time right guys?
(The soviet hmm is a link btw.)
Oh, I’m on my phone so it never even occurred to click it
Also, yeah, of course he would go for the disproven eugenics shit
What’s this about?
Click the soviet hmm emoji.
6 kinds of white - 2 kinds of asian
“Each group must be proprortionately represented”
“Wide-eyed” and “narrow-eyed” too
Right? It’s like this mfer has never heard of cranial measurements.
jordan pigpoopballs has just reinvented gerrymandering
yo what the fuck his brain is completely fried. I thought this was fake so I checked his twitter. What is going on with his new writing style where he only puts a couple words per line? What is this?
"Sneak the truth
you were once
and what the fuck is going on here?
What could go wrong?
feathering their own
you aren’t
a fan
of poetry,
you are one
(he said that one to elon lmao)
But yeah, the man’s brain is a bowl of chunky stew at this point
And watch out woke universities, he’s about to share that chunky stew at his new Peterson Academy.
Benzo High-ku
SMDH my dick head, he must have pulled one too many shifts at the Chinese dick-sucking factory
I bet this is what it’s like to be in a text chain with him.
Ghostly white :
He definitely isn’t making a 1-dimensional graph because he likes racial hierarchies or anything
fucking racists scum. I prefer bleached-american.
This list is missing HAM SANDWICH
Semenine has fallen, billions of ham sandwich men must be grilled
He’s having another breakdown isn’t he?
no, this is still the last one, he hasn’t completed it yet
I just checked his account to see if this was real and homie is definitely not okay. 3 pages in on nitter only got me to tweets from 12 hours ago.
“He’s perfectly stable, you woke libs just don’t understand his intelligence. Stop making fun of him, that just proves you’re hypocrites about mental health”
Lmao I remember a tweet of his was posted here several months ago and I commented almost the exact same thing. I guess he’s been posting dozens of times a day for a while now
I’m always somewhere on the spectrum between ghostly white/goth and unbelievably super-duper white
Is he trying to do a poetry? Or is his brain just soup?
He’s been
Posting like this
A few months now
And it’s
Jordan, Jordan are you okay?
Someone check if he had a stroke
Seriously, I wonder if he’s relapsed with the benzos
Browsing r/researchchemicals, r/drugs etc you see stuff with a similar vibe, barred out people believing they’re 100% sober posting barely readable nonsense
I’ve seen many of these; they resulted in me developing a healthy fear of benzos
So many of these stories end with these people ending up in hospital or jail, and with no memory of how
Or if the shady induced-coma procedure he underwent to kick them off last time didn’t leave him with brain damage
The only thing that could convince me that he didn’t sustain significant brain damage after that is an actual medical analysis that proves otherwise.
Dude has never been the same, not that he was much better before. These are definitely the ramblings of a brain damaged, enabled pseudo-intellectual Right-winger.
Looking into it his daughter said he suffered “several strokes” and he had to partly relearn how to write and stuff after that procedure, so yeah
He has literal brain damage, must be a soup by now.
If one thing is a spectrum all things are spectrums. Objections?
JBP with his brain is leaking out of his ears while on a cocktail of drugs that would make Mick Jagger nauseated.: LGBT bad, clean room good
His followers: sage advice, you have turned my life around, I will defend you to the grave
If you listen closely you can hear the sound of his brain trickling out through his ears.