Will this convert a home edition to pro?
It does, pretty easily. There’s a convenient “change Windows edition” menu item.
Previous version did. Converted a friend’s laptop from home (oem provided) to pro and my own from home (oem provided) to enterprise
yes if you upgrade to pro with a generic key first
thank you Im a noob sort if, can you let me know how I go finding a generic key.
Take a look at https://massgrave.dev/hwid.html. It’s linked on the site OP linked.
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Good to see them fix this so quickly, but what’s stopping Microsoft from blocking HWID activations on a GVLK? After all, those keys would normally be activated through a KMS instead of Microsoft, so it’s clearly abnormal behaviour
uuuuh I hope i didnt fuck myself and my PC up doing this then!
Oh no, you’re all good, it’s just that this may not work for new people trying this soon. If you activated already, then it should stick until you change your computer’s motherboard
im a dummy when it comes to these things, I wanted to switch from win10 family to pro but uuh it didnt do anything really? It also told me I had corrupted services and then spent 30 min authenticating and froze.
so i dont think its working on my pc too well, but there is a very solid chance i dont understand how to use this tool
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Yeah. I started with a Win 7 key and upgraded to 10 on multiple machines with it.
Unless Windows no longer decides to do free OS upgrades in the future.
Unless Windows no longer decides to do free OS upgrades in the future.
Well people had almost 10 years to get onto W10, so not really a big deal. If you registered a copy of W10 you’re good for another 10 years give or take.
What’s the asdcorp logo? Arch for head, win8 for body and… snapcraft for arms?
Install Linux and be done with this nonsense. Why deal with this shit year after year when you can also have software that you can just use any which way you like? And yes, that now also includes gaming. Pretty much the only thing that still sucks to get working well is Adobe software and fuck Adobe too.
Edit: yes, I’ve become that guy, and I’m fucking proud of it. 20 years I’ve been on Linux thinking " why the fuck would anyone use Windows" and for 20 years I’ve read article after article how Microsoft screws over people, how their bottomline is just plain money, how they literally try to sabotage the competition, including Linux, and I’m done. Microsoft company should be burned to the ground, figuratively, let it go bankrupt
Because interacting with other windows users is painful.
Because gaming and gaming modding in particular is still fairly windows centric
Because many windows apps are not available on Linux, and you end up being forced to use alternatives that usually don’t hold a candle to the proper one.
Because text rendering scaling is still integer based and trying to do say 120% scaling will result in a weird look.
Because having an issue on your system isn’t solved as easily as updating a driver.
Because VR support on Linux is fairly non existent.
Because you’ll always be a second tier citizen to the cool new apps that get released.
Linux might be a great upgrade if you only use windows for web browsing, but if you’re a windows power user transitioning to Linux can be painful and in my experience primarily a downgrade.
What about conectivity with things like projectors and printers?
It’s really nice that printers just work on Linux while windows requires you to dig online for drivers, even worse when it’s an older printer, but how often do you change printers? Once you’ve set one up on windows you’re not likely to make any changes.
In my case I’ll use different (network)printers every few weeks for the next year or two
I still have to use Winblows sometimes.
You have my sympathy