Weaponized incompetence is a trait of toxic masculinity where men express inability to perform regular personal tasks. Being unhygienic or unorganized because,“Honey, I can’t help it because I’m just a dumb guy”. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman that would tolerate this kind of behavior in this tweet. Gives me big time never puts the dishes away energy.
Edit: I also love the reply where someone links a study that he may have OCD, a serious mental health issue. His response: wow
The inability to visualize things could be placed in the same neuroatypical bucket as autism and ADD. Why do we accept some measurable deviations but not others?
If he followed that up with “And that’s why I never step foot in the kitchen and make my wife to it for me” then yeah ok. But that’s not what’s being said.
In the context of the initial tweet about the inability to visualize things in ones own head, I this tweet makes perfect sense. “I have x experience. It leads to y problem”.
Gives me big time never puts the dishes away energy.
Ngl, I think you’re just reading your own unrelated grievances into a tweet, cuz you dislike the guy for being a lib.
Edit: I also love the reply where someone links a study that he may have OCD, a serious mental health issue. His response: wow
Doesn’t he actually have OCD? That feels like a “No shit Sherlock” kind of response.
I definitely think this guy is a stupid lib farting out nonsense. Reading @SerLava’s take oh how this whole discussion is inevitably fucked because we can’t communicate these issues effectively is what’s going on here.
Omg it has a name. Thanks for the link. I’ll literally cook a meal then ‘just do something quickly before I sit down to eat it’ and completely forget that there’s a meal on the side until I go back into that room to eat it. It doesn’t happen often because I know it happens so I have an order for doing things to make sure I don’t stray too far from the task until I’m finished.
E.g. I could put the toast in and the kettle on then brush my teeth while I’m waiting. That would be efficient. But I’ll completely forget. So I brush my teeth, then put the kettle on, wait, get everything else ready, pour the tea, put the bread in, put some things away, butter the toast and leave the rest of the stuff out till after I’ve eaten. Otherwise, the kitchen will be spotless but I’ll suddenly remember at 3pm that I haven’t eaten and maybe I should start again with the cold over brewed tea and ‘toast’.
His follow up tweet and replies are pretty bad. Bordering between weaponized incompetence and just straight up ‘Im baby’ levels of airhead.
that’s john green for you
what does “weaponized incompetence” mean here and how could it apply to a tweet.
Weaponized incompetence is a trait of toxic masculinity where men express inability to perform regular personal tasks. Being unhygienic or unorganized because,“Honey, I can’t help it because I’m just a dumb guy”. I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman that would tolerate this kind of behavior in this tweet. Gives me big time never puts the dishes away energy.
Edit: I also love the reply where someone links a study that he may have OCD, a serious mental health issue. His response: wow
The inability to visualize things could be placed in the same neuroatypical bucket as autism and ADD. Why do we accept some measurable deviations but not others?
Yeah that’s uh… Not what this feels like to me.
If he followed that up with “And that’s why I never step foot in the kitchen and make my wife to it for me” then yeah ok. But that’s not what’s being said.
In the context of the initial tweet about the inability to visualize things in ones own head, I this tweet makes perfect sense. “I have x experience. It leads to y problem”.
Ngl, I think you’re just reading your own unrelated grievances into a tweet, cuz you dislike the guy for being a lib.
Doesn’t he actually have OCD? That feels like a “No shit Sherlock” kind of response.
I definitely think this guy is a stupid lib farting out nonsense. Reading @SerLava’s take oh how this whole discussion is inevitably fucked because we can’t communicate these issues effectively is what’s going on here.
Just call him removed lol
sounds more like an object permanence issue to me, tbh (the cabinet thing specifically)
which some people with adhd have, for example
Omg it has a name. Thanks for the link. I’ll literally cook a meal then ‘just do something quickly before I sit down to eat it’ and completely forget that there’s a meal on the side until I go back into that room to eat it. It doesn’t happen often because I know it happens so I have an order for doing things to make sure I don’t stray too far from the task until I’m finished.
E.g. I could put the toast in and the kettle on then brush my teeth while I’m waiting. That would be efficient. But I’ll completely forget. So I brush my teeth, then put the kettle on, wait, get everything else ready, pour the tea, put the bread in, put some things away, butter the toast and leave the rest of the stuff out till after I’ve eaten. Otherwise, the kitchen will be spotless but I’ll suddenly remember at 3pm that I haven’t eaten and maybe I should start again with the cold over brewed tea and ‘toast’.
He literally does have OCD, though. Which is probably why he gave that response.
you don’t know many women, do you?
Lack of commitment is the #1 reason of divorce. I know which of my male friends are slobs and generally their partners complain.
but they;re not divorced, are they?