It seems like there’s no way that Biden can make any negotiation with Russia seem like a win to his base so if he wins it’s almost an automatic 4 more years of war. But if Trump wins he could make most of the concessions that Russia wants and still sell it as “the best deal” to his fans. Is a trump win the best hope for shortening war?
Disclaimer: I would never vote for trump, I also won’t vote for Biden, I’m also in a state that always goes one way so it doesn’t matter at all.
To add - Trump is for Sale. He’s a bought bitch. He isn’t good for peace.
His major bribers
(Renaissance Technologies, $16 million) ordered him to hire John Bolton, (whom they also paid $4 million). His bribers also happened to invest in weapons delivery systems and inserted themselves via fuck you money…I mean ‘philanthropy’ into senior board positions at our nuclear research labs aka bombs.
Bolton then went to Putin’s face to say “I didn’t bring any more olives” aka peace is off the table.
While Trump tore up nearly every treaty of peace and disarmament we made grounds on after the mass nuclear testing dick measurement contest polluting the world and deflating nuclear armegeddon.
Trump then advocated and funded revamping our nuclear arsenal and promoted so-called tactical nukes.
Of which the Democrats loved 😍 . :reddit-logo:
Yes Trump eventually fired John Bolton, but only after all the safeguards were removed and set the ground wide open for Biden to hit the start button.