In the post shared by Musk, the account lamented the presence of humanitarian groups in the Mediterranean Sea that rescue migrants from distressed vessels.
“These NGOs are subsidized by the German government,” the account posted. “Let’s hope AfD wins the elections to stop this European suicide.”
And he was called out on his own Plattform by the german foreign office for it:
Yes. Yes, I am proud, that my tax money saves lives. Fucking cunt
What the actual fuck…
Shame the people the reply is aimed at don’t see refugees as humans worth saving, instead they probably claim it is the German lives that the refugees “threaten” that need to be “saved”.
There is no logic-ing someone out of a position they didn’t logic themsleves in to…
Gee I wonder where they all got these brain worms that their comfort is so fragile and that everyone else envies their comfort and wants their treats and is only on a mission to steal their precious from them
I’m sure the capital owners don’t want to keep these refugees “illegal” and looked down upon so they can be exploited for cheap labor and no one will care
“Oh you had to escape the terrible material conditions created when the west either directly or indirectly installed a horrible dictator in charge of your country and people started starving/dying? Pathetic!”