I’m surprised they didn’t also coat it in radium to make it easier to find in the dark
That’s just pure evil
That shit probably tastes fire af, as smokers our rights have been infringed once again…
Actually asbestos is non flammable thus it literally cannot be “fire af”. Tis a sad day
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All those little abrasions in the lungs allowing the nicotine to get into the blood stream even faster, these guys were living in 2952
“Corporations would never hurt their customers, as it’s bad for business.”
So you’re saying they may be entitled to compensation?
If you or a loved one…
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No, but they can get it twice as fast, a speed run if you will ;)
Sign up now and get Cancer+ at half the price for the first 3 months…
“Kent cigarettes: Now with even more cancer!”
“Yo I was demoing this old speakeasy and I found a pack of smokes in a walled up room u Wana try one?”
(actually speakeasies referred to illegal bars during prohibition from 1920-33, while the cigarettes came out in 1952 🤓 (unless it continued to be used as a slang term in the 50s))
They continued to operate as bars once bars were legal but often had major renovations since they no longer had to be hidden. A few friends of mine lived in one. Only house I’ve ever been in that had a larger basement than the house.
Technically speakeasies are still a thing, but afaik they’re more modern “underground” bars rather than literally prohibition-era speakeasies
I’m both surprised and not at all surprised
Capitalism breeds innovation
sorry but the bottom right picture looked like ramen at first and now all i think about is people smoking ramen noodles
You might disagree with me, but I prefer eating my ramen before blue fluff starts growing on it.
mmm blueberry marshmallow fluff and ramen
Kent Micronite filters contained blue crocidolite asbestos. Of the 6 known types of asbestos, crocudolite is the most toxic/harmful.
One study revealed smoking a pack of Kent Micronite cigarettes every day for a year would expose a smoker to 131 million carcinogenic crocidolite fibers.
A 1989 study of 33 people who worked in the Hollingsworth & Vose filter factory in 1953 found 28 of them died from asbestos-related diseases, including asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.