Why not? With panniers and baskets there’s no limit to what you can do on a bike, and that’s not even mentioning bakfietsen.
Why not? With panniers and baskets there’s no limit to what you can do on a bike, and that’s not even mentioning bakfietsen.
I recommend something like this: https://lectricebikes.com/collections/ebikes/products/xp-black
More than enough range for a day’s riding around the city, on the cheap end but still reliable, and most importantly folds up to fit in your car alongside anything you might pick up along the way. Maybe look for used ones too, they’re fairly common and you might get a good deal vs. new.
Ebikes are actually fantastic for exercise, even more so than acoustic bikes. The biggest thing it does is erase hills for you so you don’t exhaust yourself, and they’re just plain fun.
That’s rough buddy. Wishing you either better road planning in the future or a move to a nicer town, biking should be accessible to everyone (even if you’re not in shape, with modern ebikes it’s easier than ever to get out and move for relatively cheap)
Good thing they live 4 minutes away from a grocery store. You can fit quite a lot on a bike very easily, and living that close you don’t need to make big infrequent trips anyway.
4 minute drive to the grocery store is probably a 4 minute bike ride to the grocery store, just sayin
Think about why you’re wanting to do this. Is there a material benefit you’ll get from splitting your codebase like so? Enough to overcome the fact that you’ve split your codebase into two very different languages?
When you’re going between languages like this, you either need some kind of communication protocol (e.g. JRPC, TCP, or maybe something home cooked) or you need a stable ABI to allow the programs to talk to each other directly.
My point is, you probably don’t want to do what you’re trying to do. Unless you have a really good reason, pick one language and stick with it.
God I hate the Jardiance commercials. I wish the writers a very die in a hole.
Is there a reason you’re not just doing “cargo run”?
You only have to cut the scapes once per season (and it doesn’t cause additional cloves to form, it just makes the existing ones bigger since it’s not putting energy into trying to flower). Growing hard neck garlic is easy and you get awesome garlic out of it, way better than lame ass grocery store soft neck garlic with a million cloves the size of a grain of sand (obvious hyperbole but still). Plus garlic scapes are delicious stir fried.
Curious, how is SpaceX being wasteful? Aren’t they operating significantly more efficiently than NASA has in the last like half century? Even if you’re counting material waste, they’re hardly the worst offenders; have you seen the plastics industry? Let alone consumer packaging
Indeed. The only time I’ve found ChatGPT useful is as a backboard for debugging obscure build and linker errors
I had a linker error in Rust for the first time today and I started crying til I saw someone say to just delete the build cache lol
It’s surprisingly filling. Try making some at home, it’s really easy!
Hot take: every individual is in worship of something, whether that be a higher power, abstract moral ideals, money, vices, or even self. All worshipers have the capacity for extremism, even If you think you worship nothing. Take care of yourself and your fellow man.
On a normal size phone screen it’s easy to make out the words for me with normal vision
It might be worth giving Helldivers 2 a try, it may not end up being his thing but it has a good few milsim elements
You might like Oxygen Not Included as well
I only have experience with YNAB, but can vouch for it. I’ve been using it for about 4 years now and while I’m not great at following a budget, it’s helped me make sure I’m planning for things that need to be planned for while also helping me figure out how to pay for a month of not wanting to cook 🤦♂️