The assumption that old people are inherently right wing and young people are inherently left wing is just wrong. Correlating age with political beliefs is a fucking pseudoscience, and so is the whole concept of generations like boomers and zoomers. Their marketing terms, the baby boom was a uniquely United States thing and to apply that term to 20 odd years of people from across the world is just factually wrong. We got to stop self identifying with these terms because they are ageist and they divide us and they allow for shitty excuses like “it’s just their generation” to excuse shitty behavior.

What’s the point of this? Stop dunking on old people. Old people aren’t inherently reactionary.

    1 year ago

    Correlating age with political beliefs is a fucking pseudoscience

    I stopped reading here. No it’s not, it’s call statistical trends that have held up and gotten more right wing over decades. Yes, not all old people deserve the wall, but until a majority of them stop being selfish class traitors they deserve no sympathy or compassion. They, as a whole, are reactionaries who have had a “got mine, fuck everyone else” attitude their entire political lives. They have raped the earth and the global south and left their children and grandchildren with a lower standard of living and honestly only grim outlook for the coming decades. And overwhelmingly they still continue to show no remorse, no understanding of the death and destruction they are wreaking on the world, and so they deserve no compassion and should be treated as enemies just as any reactionary.

    • blobjim [he/him]
      1 year ago

      but until a majority of them stop being selfish class traitors they deserve no sympathy or compassion. They, as a whole

      they they they they. This is just self-satisfying tilting at windmills.

    • Wheaties [she/her]
      1 year ago

      the “got mine, fuck everyone else” attitude is the result of a society overrun by market relations, not the cause of it. It’s a behaviorally successful - not good, just successful (enough) - the context we live in selects for it (among others). Expecting the bulk people to see the flaw in that outlook without first changing the context is silly. Change the context and you change the behavior being selected for.

      And… most boomers aren’t capitalists or politicians. Most are no closer to the levers of power than you or I. Most of them work or worked for a living. People don’t choose the context they are born into.