intriguing. you’ve certainly owned the tankies. however, have you considered
liberals really are gonna fight to the last Ukrainian, aren’t they
“Tankies keep saying that I’ll pretend I never supported this war after it is over, just like I insist I never supported the Iraq war. But I know things are different this time! They also keep saying I’m “projecting” which is ridiculous! I’ve never worked in a movie theatre before! They’re the ones who are projecting! They’re the ones who will pretend that they never supported the bad guy team when this war is over! Ha! I’m too clever for my own good!”
The thing I love about this is that this person thinks that if the republicans win the election, Russia will just roll over and do whatever the US says, including going to war with China. Americans seem to honestly believe that their elections are these huge, world shifting events that reset the relations with foreign countries every 4-8 years. It’s baffling.
the emotes just keep getting better
Holy shit like… What kind of absolute dipshit have you got to be to think that getting one over on the tankies is somehow a win in this scenario?
I don’t give a fuck who is right in the end, I want the war to be over as soon as possible with literally any outcome in terms of land. I could not give a fuck about the borders, you nationalist little dipshit. What matters are the lives of the hundreds of thousands of human beings being wasted over these stupid ass lines on a map.
Fuck me this is so callous and awful. This fucker cares more about owning the tankies than people.
How is this so hard to grasp?
I thought the same when reading that obvious cia plant article floating around where some reporter goes to Ukraine and talks to them about weapons to let us see what the American taxpayer is getting for their money.
At one point they ask the officer what would have happened without the American weapons and the guy says something to the effect of “Ukraine would have been overrun”
And I just have to wonder how many ordinary people would still be alive and back in their homes if that had been the outcome
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when ukraine wins the war
Yeah it is hard to know what’s going on in the minds of tankies when you make up what they believe instead of listening to them
It’s also kind of weird that they think we’re just manifesting these ideas and analysis out of thin air when so many of the sources being posted here and in the mega thread are from western, liberal and neoliberal sources
what part of “the communists disdain to conceal their views and aims” are you struggling with, please let me know, i’d love to help you all process
This is literally just the liberal reaction to Vietnam winning the war lol
! the place where the minds go to meet
Yeah, perhaps on a surface level our rhetoric might look like some rightist. But on a material level, liberals’ actions and military policies are supported by their parties and the fascists. Do they think Lockheed is 100% liberal or something? “Tankies” weren’t in charge of congress when they all voted to invade the Middle East. Many of the users in these subs are pick me leftists who have no problem propagating neoliberal talking points too.
No see, we’re the exact same thing. You guys have a Trump emoji therefore you love and adore him just like right wing extremists do! I am very intelligent.
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The left want to overthrow liberal democracy. The right want to overthrow liberal democracy.
These two are exactly the same and I will not look into any of the details surrounding the different reasons they have or the societies they want to build afterwards.
SQWs. Status quo warriors.
Provide shelter, sustenance and care for everyone
Kill the [redacted]
These are the exact same thing
liberals agreeing with each other that everyone who disagrees with them are ontologically bad and unintelligent and the same as well as secretly insincere
A work of art
Liberals are going to say Ukraine won and their definition for that will be “Putler didn’t kill every single Ukrainian” or “Putler didn’t take over all of Ukraine”.
I saw a bunch of libs saying it was a genocidal war when they were melting down about some Onion article, so they absolutely will claim that they lost because Putin couldn’t personally execute every last Ukranian
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They’ll be happy to claim that Russia’s goal was to take all of the Ukraine, and that by sticking with this territory it shows Russia lost.
They’re not the most inquisitive.
Yea keep seeing articles about how Russia has admitted that this is just the first stepping stone into Poland and the rest of europe.
Meanwhile: Russia takes the territories they claimed to be after from the neegginning and then set up defenses
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Or HistoryPorn, for some reason
Those ones know they’re unserious, that’s why they went full clown and included the Porn instead of just calling the community History.
Ukraine doesn’t need to retake the territory, any more than the US needed to have marines on every street corner in Iraq in order to win over there. All the Ukrainians need to do to “win” is conduct a significantly vicious and horrible bombing campaign on Russian soil. Once enough Russian civilians are killed and enough of their industry is demolished, the American paymasters will feel like they’ve got their money’s worth and roll out the Mission Accomplished banner.
And that’s it. We’ll clock this as a win, on the grounds that “we spent 5% of our budget to devastate 100% of the Russian economy (don’t argue or you’re a Russian bot)” and inducted a bunch of new periphery countries into NATO for the purposes of staging more nuclear weapons along the borders.
Russia will be defeated because we say they’ve been defeated. You’ll be called stupid if you suggest otherwise. And then maybe we’ll be back to it in another five or ten years, when some disgruntle Ukrainian ex-pat flies a bunch of explosive-laden drones into the London Shard and President Pete Buttigieg decides that Putin was responsible.
into NATO for the purposes of staging more nuclear weapons along the borders.
Is there any point to that goal? Ukraine’s not much closer to Moscow than Latvia. It doesn’t make any difference strategically if a first strike missile comes from either, the result is the same.
Ukrainians need to do to “win” is conduct a significantly vicious and horrible bombing campaign on Russian soil.
With what airforce?