Cries in IT
Give them one of these
Knitted tampon, cosy… 😂
its not uncommon for work computers to completely disable usb storage capabilities, so plug them in your personal computer if thats the case for you :3
That wont stop most attacks tho. A lot of them work by pretending to be a keyboard and typing out the exploit in a cmd prompt.
Apparently our systems send an alert to IT and I think we get a call if an unapproved device is plugged in.
Seems a Bit nsfw for me
I’ll keep doing it until I get a raise
8GB is the perfect size for a Windows bootable drive.
Hang on to it and give it to one of the new guys at work
Fun Fact: Did you know that there are specific dumb devices designed to erase and duplicate Flash drives? I only found it out recently, you just stick it inside and press erase and it’ll erase the Drive, no questions asked. Perfect for reusing old or used ones you aren’t sure of the content (Just make sure it’s actually a Flash Drive First).