So. Much. Velour.
The Cylons are famously weak to boogying down, since their joints can’t turn in the right ways
Welcome to though!
True. But word has it that after 1980, a few Cylons warmed up to humanity and provided their vocal skills to countless electro, rap, and avant-garde music acts.
Edit: Thanks for the warm welcome. I’m happy to be here.
@dejected_warp_core lol I’m embarrassed to ask but what show is that in the second frame?
The OG (80’s) Battlestar Galactica. Source: I saw it as a kid and I still have the trading cards lol
Fun fact: Richard Hatch portrayed Apollo in the OG BSG, and was also in the reboot as Tom Zarek.
Like others have mentioned, it’s the original Battlestar Galactica. As a product of the late 1970’s, its production was steeped in the aesthetics of the time. It sits in this pocket near the end of the disco era, and dared to stand out by featuring episodic sci-fi when mainstream television was dominated by variety shows (e.g. Sonny and Cher, He-Haw). Serious, campy, scmhaltzy, fun, sometimes great, sometimes awful, and apparently too expensive to avoid cancellation, it stands on its own two feet as its own phenomenon while inviting endless comparisons to classic Trek.
It also brought us this banger/nightmare-fuel:
It also spawned this Italo-disco track by Giorgio Moroder himself (not on the show, but more of a fan work of sorts):
Edit: we don’t talk about the cost-reduced, dehydrated, fire-sale budget “Battlestar 1980”.
StarTrek Elysium: Picard after some manuevers in the bar, find himself in an alien civilization with no memories. How will the crew solve this one?
That gets complicated. There may be time-travel involved. What’s worse is that the past bears an uncanny resemblance to present and future, for an endless number of epochs. Best you can do is take note of what kinds of artificial life is kicking around, and ask everyone if they’ve ever heard of “All along the Watchtower.”