i hate this essentialist shit where they act like trans women always 100% look like men, drives me up the wall
no, ive been gendered she/her by randos basically my whole adult life. ugh
Lmao the horny cis guys who keep trying to hit on me disagree terf scum, get mad I’m hot!!!
In the UK, this is the only legal haircut.
“Thanks laetitia, in my next book I’ll name a character with an incredibly racist name that will look like you”
I won’t feel safe until there is a man with a gun standing outside my bathroom for vagina inspections!
that is a truly cursed image
Can I go back to before I ever saw it?
I just really don’t understand why J.K. Rowling doesn’t keep her unpopular opinions to herself and just enjoy having lots of money and a franchise that was ripe for kicking off an extended universe (but now probably tanked).
As far as women’s rights go, trans people in women’s restrooms is one of the least-existing and fakest problems you could possibly experience as a woman.
There are so many horrible things happening to women literally everywhere and she’s just being an idiot and sucking up all the attention and energy away from solving real problems. She’s just such an asshole pretending like she’s doing anything for women.
I’ve discovered over the years that chuds literally can’t help it. Anyone who holds abhorrent beliefs are fundamentally unable to keep them in, and the beliefs will slip through eventually.
I can’t even remember the full video, but I remember watching some otherwise apolitical YouTube channel, and out of the blue the host made some crack about “liberals” (in the chud sense) but with some absolute venom. They just can’t help it.
I’ve seen more and more people use “shero” unironically as if Heroine didn’t exist and when I am General Secretary the purge will be swift and merciless.
Every time she cuts her hair now it’s like she’s beheading her.
this is
but for terfs
You are my shero, Joanne
(Because who can genuinely make the difference between a real and genuine trans woman, and a man pretending just to enter Women’s spaces?)
This is rich coming from the “I can always tell” crowd
awful taste great execution
she tucks wires in her locs and then shapes them.
that’s fucking genius actually
a shame she’s chosen to use this power for evil
oh yeah its very cool, she used to have buzz in the natural hair community a few years ago. black hair is amazing terfs are not. quick! get me some wire i bet i could do something like this with mini twist. what are we making? i bet i could do a hammer and sickle.
i see the very minor celeb to monstrous piece of shit pipeline is somehow still in good working order. i swear that thing flows stronger and stronger every time i check it…
black hair is amazing
honestly too true, just the other day i saw a girl with an afro that was easily 8-10x bigger than her head. just the absolute coolest shit.
i bet i could do a hammer and sickle.
i stand corrected, that is definitely the coolest shit
saw a girl with an afro that was easily 8-10x bigger than her head.
im trying to be like her, my afro has gotten so big I cant be a passenger in the car with it because it blocks my partners veiw of the side window
also im tall so if theres a crowd/concert, white women will like come up and harass me till I move to the back (i refuse to move its my most anti social trait). now a days when my hair is not in cornrows its in twist, or gelled to hell, or in a scrunchie. i am thinking about getting braids again because i want auburn hair or red and I really dont want to damage my hair with dye. lol what a ramble.
l m a o that’s such a wonderful mental image, though i’m sure it’s probably a pain in the ass when it happens. i only started growing my hair out at the start of the pandemic for transition reasons and it’s already proven to be an immense amount of work and consideration, i can only imagine what it’s like trying to reach such soaring heights tbh. though i guess i have no idea how hard it is to take care of black hair at any length, thinking about it
white women will like come up and harass me
till I move to the back
love to
no actually i don’t wanna do a bit about this, just yeugh. may your hair double in size every time someone complains. also i feel your dye struggle, i keep having the same debate with myself like once a week at least. fun colors are super cute buuuuuut i feel like long hair is so demanding on its own and it already has so much potential to display damage that i keep landing on “naw”
how’s that for a ramble?
may your hair double in size every time someone complains
why thank you! and 10/10 ramble
No one is ever able to show the proof of her hatred
I seen that shit even though I avoid Twitter like the plague
This feels like a bit, like renting out ad space on your facial hair
You just keep posting cursed content at the start of my day huh?
I need to give everyone else the same brainpoisoning I have
You’re making basil ssd
They are toxic to canines! They are only meant for human consumption!
Voice to text soft ware for dogs?
Serial killer shit.