Personally, I grew up on a single parent home, where I saw my mom get destroyed by her office work. The lack of unions, no external help and general misoginy, made her get super depressed, and became an alcoholic. In my teenage years I was almost lured by the manosphere communities, but got helped by a group of close friends that were left leaning. Most of them were anarchist, so I started with that. Slowly but surely, I started to understand how sick this system is, and it made me furious, but I never found a way to show my ideas. No political party represented my ideas, and I fell deeper in the anarchist rabbit hole. Yes, I was a hardcore anarkiddie, but I bite me back. When I needed them the most, they turned their backs on me, and fell into deep depression. And in seeking psychological help, my counselor recommended me going back to my roots. So I went back to videogames, japanese culture and most importantly, read again after years The Communist Manifesto. I still don’t know how to position myself in the left, but I know that I’m a Marxist, and that I want change. Stay safe, comrades.
I used to be a part of the “skeptic/atheist” crowd back before gamergate. Then when that sort of stuff hit, suddenly all of these “skeptics” and “rationalists” started actively raging against feminism instead of religious fundamentalists. I found this very strange at the time, as these so called “skeptics” were spouting the exact same sort of vitriol against feminists that the religious fundamentalists would. So I ended up no longer associating with that group, becoming a sort of socdem type, interacting with, though never joining a local socdem sort of party, my local representative of the party even went to the US to assist with the Bernie Sanders campaign. I was pretty comfortable in a western chauvinist faux-leftist “Free Hong Kong” kind of mindset for an embarrassingly long time, full breadtube type, thinking that the “tankies” were just authoritarian apologists who liked the aesthetic of these evil regimes. Then I actually spoke with a “tankie” and they called me out on literally every generic “million billion dead” point people make about socialist states, I listened to what they had to say, as I had never heard any of this before, I had only ever heard that Mao and Stalin were horrible and did horrible things, the idea that life expectancy increased for Chinese peasants during a civil war was a major shock to my worldview. As a fan of learning about history, I realised I had never actually examined the history of any socialist states properly, only accepting the western worldview on them, so I learned more about them, and began to actually read theory and became an ML, even tried joining local orgs, but their stance on AES is identical to the one I held before becoming an ML, so they’re just ultras unfortunately. Now I spend too much time online talking about Marxist stuff because I don’t really know anyone irl who I can discuss things with. People open to education, sure, but I don’t want to be the one doing the educating all the time, I like to learn too.
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Yeah, I thought I had found a like-minded group of people who just wanted to understand the world better and educate people out of ignorance. Turns out they were far more interested in using their atheism as a way to be superior to everyone else.
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I am actually in Atheism+
Exactly the same for me. Well, I would say I stuck with the movement a little longer, but only as part of the sliver that had no choice but to shift the focus of criticism towards our former atheist “allies,” the reactionaries and sex pests, which in turn made us the evil enemy SJWs, the fanatic feminists, the beta cucks, and the cringe white knights. While it was shocking how elevatorgate suddenly revealed this giant gaping rift in the community, and how full the entire atheist movement had been with the most disgusting of reactionaries, it was one of those things where in hindsight, all the misogyny, racism, white supremacy, etc. had been visible just beneath the surface all along, but had been easy to overlook as just a nasty patina sticking to the broader movement. Nah, turns out it was actually deeply intertwined with it.
I still think Rebecca Watson is cool (for anyone who doesn’t know but is interested, “elevatorgate” centered on her because she dared to say “guys, don’t do that” when referencing being hit on by a stranger very creepily when alone in an elevator at a convention, and was subsequently hounded, harassed, ridiculed, and derided even by the famous Dickie Dawkins). She still to this day puts out some banger videos sometimes. I will always have a soft spot for PZ Myers and his Pharyngula blog that I spent so much time on, finding community there because even then it was clear how ugly and toxic so much of reddit was. Pharyngula was like the last bastion where social justice was recognized as good and necessary, rather than demonized as something that needed to be snuffed out.
I’m also still an atheist. But that movement is dead, just as it fucking should be. Amusingly, but also sickeningly, the larger fascist-adjacent majority of it kind of morphed over time into things like Jordan Peterson’s cult, at least the parts that didn’t just fizzle out into the background noise islamaphobia and generic chuddery.
I should confess too, reading Christopher Hitchens (one of the “four horsemen”) was definitely a big stepping stone on the path towards my own radicalization. Though I wince to say it now, I did admire him back then and he wrote about being, or having been a Trotskyist, which was one of those little epiphanies that showed there were actually political positions to the left of “as left as it gets” liberal. Wanting to find out more about that is eventually what lead me to Lenin.
To be clear, I’m not saying that’s what radicalized me, though it was a small part of it. I’m mostly just commenting to respond to the New Atheist part of the discussion.
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