I wonder how the requirement for having half the pumps be attended still will affect overnight self-service? One of the big benefits of self service is you can just get gas pretty much any time.
That’s the main benefit I’m looking for since so many stations are closed when I am headed off to work.
I’m from a state where we can pump our own gas and have lived here for under a year so apologies for my ignorance, but are we not allowed to pump our own gas if the station is closed? If we’re paying by card, couldn’t they just keep the pumps open?
Was a bit of an adjustment when i went to the US and was told off for doing it myself.
We haven’t had full service petrol stations in the UK for decades
I really hate how the context of this is manipulated by headlines like that. What is ACTUALLY happening is, Oregon motorists might soon be REQUIRED to pump their own gas. Why would anyone WANT to pump their own gas? Full service is more convenient for motorists. It’s the gas stations that don’t want to pay employees that drive this.
‘Gas stations in Oregon’s most populous counties will still be required to employ an attendant and offer full-service fueling with no difference in price.’
This will be loop-holed and you’ll end up having to wait 20 minutes for the one employee, so you end up doing it yourself, and then in a few years they’ll remove the requirement to hire that guy.
I personally prefer to pump my own gas. I don’t like giving a stranger my credit card and having them touching my car.