Before anyone asks, I did this on BG3 so there was nobody there to “Are you sure you want to do that” my dumb ass.
I don’t even need to multiclass. I constantly cast Hex after Hunger ✌️🥲
Tbf, that’s just concentration. The sorlock bit had nothing to do with it
Though dropping Haste from two people crippling them both for a round (assuming Haste works the same in Baldur’s Gate it does in tabletop) is a particularly bad time to lose Concentration
I feel your pain. I’m constantly casting spirit guardians and then using my bonus action to cast shield of faith. Both require concentration.
Would it make you feel better if I told you I hasted my friend who I was playing with 3 times in a row because I kept forgetting I cast haste, which would make him skip his turn every time? I am not a smart lady.
Cherry on top: the last time I cast it, and he was already thoroughly annoyed, I got hit and dropped concentration .
I’m not sure i quite get this 😅
Some spells are “concentration”, which means you have to actively concentrate on them to keep the effect going.
You can’t concentrate on two different concentration spells at once. So when they cast Hunger of Hadar, the two ongoing Haste effects stopped, also making the affected characters lethargic, which means they can’t do anything next turn.
Thank you, that makes perfect sense
Is that from G-Reco?