Asian here. If a white guy came to me and gave me some 20 minute analysis on why white emojis are racist so that’s why he doesn’t use them, I will assume he’s a trust fund neoliberal and advocates for genocide in third world countries. I am not kidding. Take that as you will
That would be excessive, but everything we do sends a message so it’s reasonable to consider how the message might be interpreted. What do you think when you see a yellow emoji without a 20 minute unprompted analysis?
Asian here. If a white guy came to me and gave me some 20 minute analysis on why white emojis are racist so that’s why he doesn’t use them, I will assume he’s a trust fund neoliberal and advocates for genocide in third world countries. I am not kidding. Take that as you will
That would be excessive, but everything we do sends a message so it’s reasonable to consider how the message might be interpreted. What do you think when you see a yellow emoji without a 20 minute unprompted analysis?
I think “great, this person uses emojis so now I have to as well or else they’ll think I’m abnormal.”