I feel like it will always be a catch 22 with no right answers on an individual level until racism has been dealt with structurally. As a white person, you cannot be ethically pure in the world as it is, even though obviously something like this is really trivial
In all seriousness, how do I tell if I’m white? I keep thinking about another user’s example of Assad. He appears white-passing, but his name, religion and nationality would each be enough for him to be considered non-white in the US.
And is a case like that one where it actually matters to what extent the person identifies with whiteness?
I feel like it will always be a catch 22 with no right answers on an individual level until racism has been dealt with structurally. As a white person, you cannot be ethically pure in the world as it is, even though obviously something like this is really trivial
In all seriousness, how do I tell if I’m white? I keep thinking about another user’s example of Assad. He appears white-passing, but his name, religion and nationality would each be enough for him to be considered non-white in the US.
And is a case like that one where it actually matters to what extent the person identifies with whiteness?
You are white until rugpulled
Yeah, I’m not saying it’s a perfect retort but I think in this case it’s pretty clear that snow roaches using the yellow emojis is better.