Hello all,

Like many I’m migrating from reddit. I’ve been active there for over a decade, and with all that’s going on I came across this particular instance of lemmy. I hope to see it become more active, and will probably have a few questions along the way (like creating my own community, but I honestly just joined, thanks for the quick acceptance btw!)

I’m a composer, conductor, and multi-instrumentalist based in Sweden. I also produce music for a relatively large YouTube channel which is a bit more on the electronic side. I love music of all kinds, and it would be cool to potentially get some more classical music nerds on this instance as well.

At any rate, thanks for the quick acceptance and looking forward to being a part of the community!

  • BetoMA
    31 year ago

    Welcome! I was active on Reddit for 17 years, it was a good run but I think it’s time (again) for a more open internet, and I’m excited about all the federated tools that are popping up.

    Don’t be shy about creating communities and posting content, I think it’s what we need right now to make it more activate and attract more people. And please let me know if you have any trouble with the instance!

    • @phrixiousOP
      21 year ago

      Thanks! I’m still getting my feet wet - I was mostly a lurker on reddit that commented from time to time but in hopes to see this instance take off I’ll do my part and be more active.

      On that note - what’s your personal goal for this space? Just general for music lovers to hang, or a place for creators to give and get feedback?

      • BetoMA
        11 year ago

        On that note - what’s your personal goal for this space? Just general for music lovers to hang, or a place for creators to give and get feedback?

        I’m hoping for the latter: to have communities were people can share their music and get feedback, discuss music production techniques, run musical challenges, talk about their favorite band, etc.

        I think initially we could start with general communities (“releases”, “DAWs”, “music production”, “feedback needed”, etc.), and as we get more people we can make them more specific. But I am hoping that people will create these communities, I didn’t want to create a bunch of placeholder communities because I thought that could make the place seem like a ghost town.