I don’t see any issues here, she should be able to be towed out to sea and dive successfully.
Can you find Russian guys that would still try it for a cheque? Yeah probably.
“I would like to have seen Montana.”
If only there had been a way to avoid this situation.
That’s a $300,000,000 sub… well, it was.
I am surprised a sub only costs $300MM.
Probably because it was released about 50 years ago.
Why is a good part of the image blurred?
Perhaps the guy who took it is concerned that if people can see exactly who was present at that moment they might be able to work out who he was.
Likely to not give away any extra information about what they have there.
Naked women are drawn to submarines like a magnet. The ship is probably crawling with them right now.
Yes, it must be the dreaded nipple.
To leave something to the imagination.
Does anyone have a list of how many Russian ships have been taken out of combat? It seems Ukraine is winning the Naval war and they barely have a Navy.
They do have a navy it’s just a cheap and exploding navy.
Meanwhile the Russians have an expensive and explodable navy.
I’m sure there’s a joke about not having a navy but sinking submarines, but I’ll let Zelensky tell it.
Slap some flex tape on it and call it good
Was waiting for some pictures like this. That looks pretty damning.
Better move that fleet farther away lmao
Move it inland, that’ll fool them.