Nobody could have predicted this. I have my doubts even when they call it “spying equipment” or whatever considering Chinese claim it was a meteorological balloon, certainly no doubt they would try to paint those tools as such.
Nobody could have predicted this. I have my doubts even when they call it “spying equipment” or whatever considering Chinese claim it was a meteorological balloon, certainly no doubt they would try to paint those tools as such.
Fucking liars are STILL saying it was a spy balloon when the military is like no, actually, it wasn’t.
You clearly didn’t read the article. It WAS a spy balloon but it appears the spy equipment wasn’t turned on. So no information was gathered.
Somehow we’ve managed to find the first human being to function without a single neuron firing.
A brain exists, but nothing is occuring within. No electrical signals, no neural activity.
And yet they manage to post anyway
I’m still getting used to federation. I saw that comment, didn’t look at the poster’s name, and assumed it was just sarcasm.
the article presents zero evidence that it’s a “spy balloon”, just some dipshit general saying that it is. we know the U.S. military regularly lies about its enemies, so his word is worth nothing
did you ever stop to ask why a supposed “spy balloon” would be so large and easily noticed?
And you read the article yet you didn’t even quote the funny bit.
I really hope this is a bit
Your name is Occam’s Razor, but you don’t seem very good at using Occam’s Razor
The article makes no claim as to the nature of the balloon. The author is very careful about that. It’s a balloon that didn’t collect any intelligence nor transmit any data. How, exactly, would you define a spy balloon? It’s starting to sound like your threshold for “spy balloon” is “launched by some Chinese person,” which is probably more than a little racist.