talking down to audience they hate
Shoehorning their politics into their crappy writing
I can sympathize. I too am tired of those shitty pro-pentagon movies. Especially pro-pentagon movies about evil Russians, shown in Russia
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Snyder, Bay, that git who made Top Gun, and many many more
CHUDs think they represent the “silent majority.” That everyone agrees with their hateful nonsense, but is too scared of the wokes/sjws/commies etc to admit it.
It’s hilarious but true - they think they represent some huge number of americans who are out there, disregarded by enormous media and portions of tech. In fact, they represent less than a third of Americans who are stuck fighting a losing race war that they’re convinced is going to turn on them and eliminate their control (it will) then eliminate them - and they jump to these sick conclusions because of their rampant projection, it’s exactly what they would do if they had control so of course they fear it.
Well they feel alienated since right-wingers can still count on the state and capital to follow along with their ideology, but culturally they feel confused since movies, shows, advertising, etc is captured by ideological liberals. Right wingers have basically everything they want in terms of political victories at the moment.
By that I mean they’re winning when it comes to actual enforcement of racism and transphobia. Structural bigotry is still rampant and is getting worse. And this is at odds with American popular culture, which is will often vaguely gesture in the direction of progressive values. There will be gay characters, or trans characters, like little progressive snacks for suburban liberal types.
Lol is Dore anti-union now? Is he still claiming to be “on the left”?
His fans certainly are. He’s just a bog standard garden variety conservative talk show grifter now. What other conclusion can you come to when all he does is JAQ himself off with crank antivaxx shit, hours long meltdowns over the existence of trans people, platform other conservative grifters and bloviate about how republicans are the true working class working against the globalist woke cabal or whatever.
Oh we know he’s a right-winger, I was just wondering if he himself had realized that yet or if he somehow thinks he’s still on the left.
Well. He is on the “American Left”, so technically both things are true.
Talking down to an audience they hate
I love when CHUDs see shit like the She-Hulk scene mocking sexist fans and go “waaaaaah they hate their audience”
My Brother in Christ if you feel seen by scenes like that that is 100% on you. The rest of us do not feel alienated by TV shows calling out sexists.
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The entitled manchildren are here to explain why not pandering to a hateful minority is alienating their audience
As far as he’s fallen these days, MovieBob once pointing out in a very old video, from when he still worked for the Escapist, that white male nerds are getting angry that they aren’t the only target audience for nerd media anymore was a formative moment for me. Probably helped stop me from going down the wrong path.
Like thats what a LOT of this rage is about. White male nerds are no longer the most special wonderful target audience and are no longer being exclusively catered too and that makes them fucking FURIOUS. And they are reacting like the spoiled brats they are.
Are chuds aware they’re not the only ones who watch movies
What do they care? They want total hegemony of content that caters to and enforces their hostile, exclusive world view.
They don’t have a theory of mind. We aren’t part of the audience, we’re more like wildlife or scenery. NPCs, y’know?
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I met a guy practicing to be an NPC on Friday. Straight up lead with “I’ve been practicing my animatronic wave!”
Mmmm ice cream so good!
Chuds be telling me they support the working man and then say anti strike shit like this
By “support the working man” they mean “hate queer people”.
Coastal elite, woke cabal fake working class: Writers making starvation wages (they wrote a black character once)
Real, hardworking proletariat: Millionaire “farmers” (rural = working class)
The funny thing is, I’m a non-binary vegan commie with a silly haircut, and I’ve worked in manual labor and physical farm jobs more than any anti-woke right-wing tool I’ve met.
I also come from a family of electricians, builders, farm hands and carpenters. I’m as fucking working class as it gets.
“I support blue collar workers”
blue collar workers go on strike
not political: robocop
political: superhero show with one (1) side character who is hinted at maybe being gay
I remember about 2 years ago on the horror subreddit, there was a discussion about how the new Candyman was gonna be all political unlike the original and people were so sick of horror movies injecting social commentary all the time. I stopped taking that sub seriously after that.
I have a coworker who was ranting about politics in modern video games. I asked him for an example of a game devoid of political commentary and he said Final Fantasy 7.
These people are completely lost.
I would have told him that Antifa is short for “Aunt Tifa” and his game of choice inspired them.
I did tell him that Avalanche is a radical environmentalist group committing terrorism against a large energy corporation and he instantly rejected that idea. Saying “No, they’re the good guys” so I just disengaged
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Is he suggesting Zack Snyder or cop show writers do not shoehorn their politics into shows?
There’s two kinds of thing: “thing I agree with” and “political”
Race? White and political. Gender? Male and political. Sexuality? Straight and political. etc etc
I would love to sit down and tease apart how this line of thought came to be
main character syndrome
The pervasiveness of US propaganda is not to be underestimated.
It’s called status quo. Political is when you change status quo. I don’t believe it’s any more complicated than that.
I think that’s accurate, but don’t think it explains the origins of the meaning. Like, were people using the word that way in the 1920s?
No, but the thinking itself predates that comfortably, ‘political’ is just the term used now
Women only got the right to vote in the US in 1920 and the country still had ‘Colored’ and ‘White’ restrooms/seating/etc for decades after
Yes, I am interested in doing a linguistic and cultural analysis/history of the term and married concepts and I keep getting responses like I want to argue
cop show writers
Seriously watch any random episode of Blue Bloods.
I would probably ask them to point to an apolitical show, mostly out of curiosity. I don’t think I’m convincing anyone with this line of thought though
If the history of chuds being asked this question tells me anything they are going to answer the singe most political show in the history of television. Remember, these are the people who did this: (I will never stop bringing this up).
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Yeah. Ive worked with kids. Kids are much more curious and open minded then these people.
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Honestly there isn’t a child on the planet who doesn’t contribute more net good to the world in a single day then Elon Musk has in his entire adult life. And I’d rather spend a whole year looking after the least pleasant children I worked with all by myself then spend 5 seconds in Musk’s presence.
So yes, I agree, describing Musk as a “manchild” is an insult to children.
Yeah the Big Bang Theory really talked down to us… all that Trekkie and physics stuff… or could it just be that these rightwhingers lack the basic intellect to understand simple cultural aspects.
Jimmy Dore losers deserve to be talked down to because they are lower than pond scum lol
Pretty phenomenal case of “If people tell you who they are, believe them”