I don’t think I’ve left-clicked a link in years. I just pretty much always open whatever I open with a middle click.
However, that’s a post for /c/Lemmy_Support
Even better is probably the Github issue tracker
Is there a good way to do this on mobile Firefox? You can hold and open in a tab, but that takes a hold plus a click, and then another click to switch to the tab.
Let me know if you find anything. Maybe an addon will work.
I am pretty sure that there was a setting that opens all links in new tabs, but it could be possible that it only exists in the desktop program.
Much needed feature, I agree!
Not that I’m aware of, no. Would love it, though! Currently resorting to ctrl+lmb
you can just middle click to open in a new tab
Not on a trackpad I can’t :D
you are the one talking about the left mouse button … BTW on almost any OS you should be able to config the behaviour of the click (on KDE I have letft+right click to emulate the middle click)
I guess I could. Thanks for the idea!
I don’t think so.
Workarounds for desktop usage:
- extensions to force opening all links in a new tab (example)
- just remember to use middle click instead of right click (or equivalent key for your device)
If your mouse’s scroll wheel is also a button, you can middle click a link.
I was also looking for something like this. Especially something that works in Firefox mobile.