Start with the water already boiling, heat on high.
Drop the pasta in the water, make sure it’s fully covered in water. Unless your pot is very big you may have to wait ten seconds for spaghetti to soften and bend it.
Set a timer for 8 minutes (for spaghetti, thicker pasta may take longer)
If the pasta is bad quality, stir after 2 minutes to prevent it from sticking to itself.
When the water boils again you can lower the heat.
What is the secret to making al dente? I’ve only done it by glorious accident.
Elon - why are you cooking by yourself? Just tell your personal chef “al dente or you’re fired” and you’re all good. Every single time.
Taste as you go. Pull it a little before you think it’s ready. Finish it in the sauce.
Start with the water already boiling, heat on high.
Drop the pasta in the water, make sure it’s fully covered in water. Unless your pot is very big you may have to wait ten seconds for spaghetti to soften and bend it.
Set a timer for 8 minutes (for spaghetti, thicker pasta may take longer)
If the pasta is bad quality, stir after 2 minutes to prevent it from sticking to itself.
When the water boils again you can lower the heat.
Strain as soon as the timer beeps.
Al dente every time.