I’ll start: pesto as a bagel topping.
Shredded cheese crisped up in a skillet.
According to my ex, who politely asked me to stop doing that, it makes the entire house smell like particularly foul body odor.
Nah that’s delicious. Ex made “keto nachos”- pork rinds and cheese in toaster oven, now that smells nasty
I know, for fact, that’s delicious. Mmmmmmm.
Sometimes I put a tiny bit of mustard on an Oreo to have a sweet and tangy snack.
Angry upvote.
I think you might have responded to the wrong comment, but yeah, I like those- but only the chips, not the full dill
Loll; it’s all out of order on my device too, not sure if it’s user error, sorting error or what. It’s probably me.
Wrt chips: You know it. You can’t fry the soars long enough for the liquid to cook out enough so they don’t soggy from the inside out. And none of that roumelade or ketchup. It’s gotta be ranch.
Bean dip on pizza. It sounds super weird, and it is, but it’s also delicious 🤤
This sounds like the bean base for a taco pizza. Not sure how wide spread it is, but where i am from in the Midwest it is pretty popular. Pizza Hut has a Taco Bean and a Taco Beef Pizza. Add cheddar cheese, pop it in the oven, after it’s done baking, add lettuce, more cheddar cheese, tomatoes, chushed up Doritos, and some sour cream. So good.
deleted by creator
I had leftover taco stuff and made a black bean and corn pizza. Beans pair well with it.
Pizza with Hollandaise for me. Works until it starts to cool.
That hadn’t occurred to me, but dipping pizza crust (and pizza) in garlic butter sauce isn’t unusual. Hollandaise is just a lemon butter sauce. Sounds good to me.
Maybe I’m also crazy, but that sounds kind of good…
As a topping? I’ve done this and agree, but it’s important to get the bean dip spread evenly on the crust.
Yeah, just right on top of everything. Delivery pizza, spread a little bean dip on top.
Brewed tea leaves, think they’re the best part. There’s a good number that are terrible (the cheap CTC blacks especially) but think most green teas and floral oolongs are great.
Weird to brew a cup of tea and then eat the leaves but there’s also some legit recipes with tea leaves. Burmese tea leaf salad and longjing shrimp are two. There’s also matcha.
My partner thinks it’s disgusting and my biggest red flag: I make peanut butter sandwiches on white bread and dip them in ranch dressing 😩 the reason I do this is because of growing up a millennial in NKY where a weekly lunch option was a bowl of chili, served with a peanut butter sandwich, and carrot sticks w a side of ranch….I hate raw carrots, always have lmao but I love all the other items….one day I was staring at the sad unused ranch and thinking as I was already keen to dipping the PB sandwich in the chili, that maybe it would be as good as the PB in chili so I tried it and I’ve just done it and liked a PB sandwich dipped in ranch ever since 😓 my partner has even tried it for me and hated it 🤷🏼♀️ at least they loved me enough to try it 🥹
You win
Seriously… I couldn’t even finish reading that paragraph
I some time thaw frozen dumplings in the fridge, and then eat them cold on hot days.
Like gyōza dumplings? Those are raw homie
Not gonna lie, that sounds awful. Slimy.
My friend recommended eating kiwis with the skin on. It takes a second to get used to the fuzzy skin, but they are SOOOO much easier to eat! Plus you get some extra fiber ;)
I love the pop texture of with them skin on. And it is gives a nice bitter light note to the sweet fruit.
My favourite pizza topping is pepperoni and flaked tuna, the good stuff too so it’s meaty oily tuna.
Love it but so many people think I’m odd for it. The meaty flavours compliment each other!!!
I’m not even sure I need to read the rest of the thread after this comment. You win by default! I guess it makes as much sense as anchovies on pizza though.
Raw garlic, just once in a while, as a little treat. Sometimes I’ll mash it up in some bread but most often… plain, raw garlic.
I have also not met a single thing I won’t try to pickle at least once, and for some reason people around me think that it is Terrifying hahaha. Personally, I find pickling to be a fantastic way to rescue produce that’s otherwise about to go off. Instead of making food waste, I’m making delicious snacks and toppings. Pickle everything!
Pickle everything! I’ve come up with some pretty interesting pickles, and also ferments. Worst outcome is food that was going to go bad is bad. Best outcome is delicious surprise!
Ooh, experiments in fermentation are high on my list but I haven’t tried yet. Do you have any good tips for translating one’s pickling skills to fermentation? Or any fermentation tips in general - I’d love to know more about your process if you feel like sharing!
I feel like they’re related in technique but have fundamentally different results. Pickling can enhance and sharpen flavours but fermentation, at least the salt anerobic kind, tends to mellow flavours. I found it helped to start with some pretty simple stuff. Just a single ingredient and salt (and water). It’s Alive, the old Bon Apetit (booo!) show, has some really helpful starting recipies. Noma’s guide to fermentation really emboldened my fermentation choices.
I got one of those fermentation kits of Amazon that has a couple of jar lids with a one-way valve, some glass fermentation weights, and a large syringe to pull air from the jar. I was much less worried about turning something poison with the added help from those tools.
My process is usually when something is going to go bad I put it in a jar I know the weight of, add a spice or something that may taste good then add water. Then weight it and calculate 2.5% salt of the item+spice+water. You can go lower than 2.5% but that’s a pretty safe number. Then I’ll look at it and taste it a couple weeks in, decide if it needs more time and keep going. Some things have a tipping point where all of a sudden they taste really different. Other things have a more linear progression.
Experiment and have fun!
Seems like fermentation takes a little more care than I expected, but not in a bad way! I hadn’t realized there were fermentation kits out there and I’m so glad to have gotten that information before I got excited one day and decided to just wing it. It’s also good to know I should probably be thinking of this more like baking than like cooking, since I’m gathering from your description that more precise measurements are called for to get the right result.
Thank you - I really appreciate you taking the time to write out this great advice!
I’m assuming you’ve had pickled garlic, then? I just picked up 2 jars of it recently. I have to stop myself from eating too much sometimes. Raw garlic is great for me when I have a bad cold and need to clear out my sinuses.
I have, and I’m with you - pickled garlic is so good. I also love that it’s super easy to toss in a few (or more than a few) cloves of garlic alongside whatever else is going in the pickle jar, or to put them in some leftover brine after the original batch of pickles is finished.
Since you mentioned liking raw garlic for your sinuses when you have a cold, have you ever tried saving the brine from your pickled garlic for similar purposes? If not, I’d highly recommend it. I’ve found that sipping or gargling pickle brine works wonders when I need some relief from a sore throat, and if the vinegar is strong enough I’ve found it helps my sinuses as well.
I happen to be suffering from a sore throat right now from horrible allergies, so I’ll have to remember to try this as soon as I get home.
As far as other pickled things, I ironically hate pickled cucumbers, but I love pickled eggs and pickled garlic and have been curious to try some other unconventional pickled foods.
I hope that the brine helped you with your sore throat!
For other non-cucumber pickles, a great way to dip your toes in might be pickled onion (I like red onion best for this, but that’s my personal preference), or pickled carrots. Both of these make excellent toppings for sandwiches of all kinds, tacos, poke, basically anything that could use a little acid or some extra crunch
I’m also quite partial to pickled cauliflower and pickled beets for general snacking
I love making steamed artichokes stuffed with pecorino cheese, garlic and bread crumbs. A recipe from my grandmother.
That actually sounds and looks delicious though.
Baked onion with salt. Just a singular baked onion
…do you erm
bite into it like an apple?
I love eating a raw potato like an apple, for whatever reason. Any time I’m cooking a dish with potatoes, I’ll wash and peel one for me to eat. My boyfriend looked like I had grown a third arm the first time he saw me do it.
It’s the perfect mix of crunchy and juicy, but not sweet.
Raw potatoes are like semi toxic. Do you not get any GI upset from doing that?
No, never. AFAIK they aren’t toxic, just that the starch is poorly digested. Either way, I’ve never gotten sick from it, so 🤷
It’s odd because I have had digestive issues off and on through the years, but the potatoes have never precipitated it. (It’s mostly anything spicy, which sucks as I love spicy food-- it’s a price I pay willingly sometimes)
Solanine is a glycoalkaloid poison found in species of the nightshade family within the genus Solanum, such as the potato, the tomato, and the eggplant
Raw potatoes certainly are mildly toxic, it’s not just understandable starches.
Most home processing methods like boiling, cooking, and frying potatoes have been shown to have minimal effects on solanine levels. For example, boiling potatoes reduces the α-chaconine and α-solanine levels by only 3.5% and 1.2% respectively, but microwaving potatoes reduces the alkaloid content by 15%. Deep frying at 150 °C (302 °F) also does not result in any measurable change.
They’re no more toxic than cooked potatoes, unless you only eat microwaved ones.
This guy raw potatoes
I’m just sick and tired of the “don’t you know they’re toxic” response to finding out I eat raw ones. My people, if they were toxic I wouldn’t be eating them because it would have made me ill. 🤦 Someone eating a whole bag of potato chips is gonna take in more solanine than I will eating one raw, peeled potato.
Hell, there are places that do baked/fried potato skins as an appetizer, when the skin is where the solanine is concentrated, and often can rise above the safe threshold. It’s even suggested to eat a small piece of potato skin raw to determine if the solanine levels are safe, as it tastes very bitter.
Peanut butter + mayo + pickles on bread.
It’s apparently a Depression era recipe, but I crave it once every two months or so
Are you continuously pregnant?
Pizza with hollandaise sauce base instead of tomato sauce. My father almost disowned me for it.
Have you ever tried French fries in hollandaise? I’ve had it once and it was the greatest fry topping I’ve ever had.
Or bearnaise 🥹🤤
I have not but you can bet your sweet tush it’s on the list now!
I’ve heard of white sauce base, garlic sauce base, hell even bbq sauce base, but hollandaise? The eggs benedict topping?? I’m about to disown you too
eggs benedict
Dude, I’m gonna be super controversial right now, just to tick you off…
Doughy base with toppings and sauce? Remind you of anything? What if eggs benedict are just a type of pizza? Ever think about that?
I feel like we could be great friends lol.
you monster!
Toasted Cinnamon Raisin bagel with peanut butter, cheddar cheese, and bananas. - the cheese + bananas is what gets me looks.
People put mayo on cheese sandwiches and banana sandwiches, so why not?